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Parental Permissions

Request and store parental permissions in Famly

Julia Rose avatar
Written by Julia Rose
Updated over 4 months ago

πŸ”’ Parental permissions are part of our Premium and Professional packages and you'll need the Edit opening hours, info etc. permission enabled to access them. Learn more about pricing here!

Where do I Find Parental Permissions?

To find Parental permissions, open up your sidebar and click on the Children icon, then select Parental permissions.

This video will guide you through creating and managing Parental permissions. Check it out!

What are Parental permissions used for?

Parental permissions can be used to collect information about what children are and are not allowed to participate in. Parents can answer Yes or No to a whole host of permissions such as whether their child can appear in photos or if they're allowed to go on external field trips.

When you add a Parental permission, the recipients of that permission will receive a notification to respond to it.

When you invite new parents to Famly, they will also be notified of these Parental permissions upon logging in.

πŸ’‘ Parental permissions can be used to make sure newly invited parents receive important documents, agreements or policies upon logging in, as you can add attachments right to a Parental permission

How do Parents see their Child's Permissions?

If parents are having trouble finding out where to update their child's permissions, let them know there's a Permissions tab on their child's profile in the About section. As a staff member, you will also see this section on a child's profile for their individual permissions.

Create your Setting's List of Permissions

In order to have an up-to-date list of what each child in your setting is allowed to do, you can share your list of permissions for each child in Famly.

To access parental permissions, you'll need the 'Edit opening hours, info etc.' permission enabled.
To create your list of permissions:

  • To create a new permission, Click Add in the top right corner.

  • Next, fill out the fields shown (as below).
    The permissions form requests a parent answers 'Yes' or 'No', so make sure you have written the permission statement so is easy for practitioners to clearly see if something is allowed or not.

  • Choose the recipients - for example:

    • all or some children,

    • all or some staff,

    • a specific room,

    • children with a specific tag applied,

    • or a single child

    • Please note, if you are a manager in multiple settings as part of an organisation, you will not be able to search for individual children as recipients. This will need to be done by a manager that only has the manager role in the specific setting you're adding the permission to.

  • Next, add a more detailed description if necessary

  • You can also add a file as an attachment, if you wish to

  • Finish off by clicking Add

  • The permission will now show up on the child's profile for the parents to answer.

Once you have created your list of permissions, this will be automatically requested from the parents of each new child enrolled in your setting - you do not need to create a new list for each child. Once a parent answers a permission, staff who has marked the room as a favourite will receive a notification about this.

πŸ’‘ When creating new profiles keep in mind that permissions can take up to 24 hours to appear

Organisation-level Permissions

If your setting is part of a larger organisation, you may see organisational-level permissions in your list of permissions. When a permission is added, the recipient can be:

  • A single site

    • Permissions where the recipient is a single site will only show up on the list of permissions for that site

  • Two or more sites within an organisation

    • If a permission is added to two or more sites, the permission will show up for all sites within that organisation - even if they were not selected as recipients

  • An entire organisation

    • If a permission is added at organisation-level, all sites within that organisation will see the permission in their list

View your Setting's Current Permissions

To see all your Parental permissions:

  • Click on the Children icon in your sidebar

  • Then select the Parental Permissions section

  • Click the first tab, called Overview - this contains the list of current permissions:

If you need to delete a Parental permission, just click on Delete next to it and confirm. Parental permissions cannot be edited, so if a Parental permission isn't quite right, it will need to be deleted and added again.

πŸ’‘ The details of a permission cannot be edited once it's been created. This is because a parent is often giving consent to the exact permission that has been sent to them, and they may not have the same response should the permission be edited

Check the Responses to Permissions for Children in your Setting

In the Parental permissions tab

The Check permissions tab will show a table of all responses from parents. This is so you can have an overview of permissions given, and those still awaiting a response from parents. Of course, this is also where you can see where permission has not been granted.

On the child's profile

You can also view individual children's permissions directly on their profile. To do this:

  • On the child's profile and click on the About tab

  • Scroll down to Permissions

In the Permission tab on a child's profile, you can see:

  • which permissions are granted (those with a green tick)

  • which permissions have not yet been answered (those with a blue question mark)

  • which permissions are not given (those with a red circle)

You can also see when the permission was last changed, and by whom.

Create a List of what Children are Permitted to do

To create a list of Parental permissions:

  • Click on Reports in your sidebar and select the Custom lists tab

  • Click the Add list button, and select Children

  • To set up your list, head over to the Columns section and check all the Parental permissions you'd like to display in your list

  • You can also add the same Parental permissions as Filters by clicking on Add filter and select the response you'd like to list by selecting Yes or No

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