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Payment Import

Import payments in bulk from an Excel or CSV file

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 4 months ago

Prepare your Payments

To prepare your payments go to the Finances section and click on Payments, then the Import button to navigate to the Import payments page. If this is your first time using this feature, it'll look something like this:

On the Import payments page, you'll see the option to Download template. The template is available in CSV and Excel format (.xsl). Select your desired format for a template that you can fill with the necessary information.

💡 Only the date and amount are required fields. The date must be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. The other fields are optional, though you can save a lot of time by making sure the information on your spreadsheet is as accurate as possible - for example, by including Bill payer reference numbers and Billing reference numbers to populate those columns

Once your file is ready, click Upload files and select it from the file picker.

Select the Payments for Import

The Payments to import list shows all the payments that were identified on the file you uploaded.

You can see the relevant information as well as the status for each payment with the following tags:

  • Ready: This payment is good to go! Note that only payments marked as Ready can be imported.

  • Incomplete: Any row with missing information or with information we could not match to a bill payer will be marked as "Incomplete".

  • Imported: Payments already imported before from a specific file. To avoid duplicates, these payments cannot be imported again from the same file or edited.

Click on a specific payment to edit it or add missing information. You'll see this pop-up:

The information on the left column is displayed exactly as it is on the file you uploaded, and it’s there as a reference. On the right you can see the information as it will be imported into Famly. You can edit all the fields on the right column.

Importing the payments

Click the checkbox on the left-hand of the table header to select all the payments marked as Ready. You can also check the boxes in specific payments you'd like to import or uncheck the box to leave payments out.

Click Import and you'll see the following confirmation screen:

Once confirmed, the payments are imported. If you want to edit the details of or remove a payment you can do this from the bill payer’s account, as with all other payments.

Managing your Files

You can see the files uploaded in the last 90 days on the file overview window. You can open these files and continue where you left off or safely remove them. Any payments you have already imported will remain on the relevant accounts.

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