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What's Included in a Statement?
Famly's statement download feature allows you to download evidence of both pre-tax payments and bills issued throughout the year from the bill payer Balance page.
Statements include the following details:
The center's tax ID number
The center's logo
WHO: Bill payer details
Name, phone, and address of bill payer
Name(s) of child(ren)
WHAT: Description of service for name(s) of child(ren)
WHEN: Dates of service
HOW MUCH: All payments made in the selected time period (e.g. year/month), including sum total
Generating a Statement
To download a statement, follow the steps outlined below:
Log into Famly and click on your Balance tab:
Note: login from desktop / your preferred browser is recommended for pulling tax statements
In Statement section, choose a year and click Open:
You can amend the time period using the date pickers at the top within a given year:
To print your statement, click on the Print button at the top. You can also choose to download your statement by selecting Save as PDF in the print destination field in your print preview: