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Stock Valuations

A guide to reporting on livestock valuations and transfers into and out of the herd.

Will Rands avatar
Written by Will Rands
Updated over a week ago

Livestock numbers on a specified valuation date

To produce a herd profile report showing an animal count categorised by age range, sex and dairy/beef breed, please click here. This report has a further option to generate a list of the individual ear tag numbers in the herd on the historical valuation date.

Cow Records

There may be a need to produce reports of animal numbers in the main herd or milking herd on the first or last day of a month

The following list gives some example FarmWizard reports that may assist you with locating the required information:

Total animals at the start/end of a period

Use the Bovine Herd Profile report. On this report, the term "Lactating Female" refers to an animal which has at least one calving event on the FarmWizard Breed Cycle Manager

Cows Bought

Go to Reports > Rule Reports > Animals

Tick the required column options, but include "Date Bought" and "Purchased From" along with National ID, Breed, Sex and Date of Birth (DOB)

For the animal selection criteria, set the Sex to "Female", and enter the Date Joined date range to define the required time period e.g. calendar month. You can add some greater precision to filter to include only dairy cows by defining a combination of an Age range and Breed.

The report will return all animals joining herd over the time period, and the total number of animals selected with be shown at the top of the page.

Depending on the defined filter, the list should be checked to ensure that it includes only cows.

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

Heifers Calved

Go to Reports > Fertility Reports > Event Reports

This report will produce a list of historic calving events. Please note: for twins, you will see two rows for the cow calved.

Enter the required Start and End date range to define the time period e.g. calendar month.

Tick "Calvings with calf" and "Calvings with no calf"

Click the button "List Breeding Events" to list the calving events for the period.

To count the first lactation animals more easily, click on the column heading "Lact" to sort by lactation number. Alternatively, the report can be downloaded as an "Excel CSV" file and filtered for Lactation 1 in a spreadsheet program.

Counting first lactation animals can also be accomplished by downloading the report as an "Excel CSV" and filtering Lactation "1" in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

Cows Sold

Go to Reports > Rule Reports > Animals

Follow the method for generating the Cows Bought report (as above) to define a filter to produce the animal list for the required time period.

Include the column options for "Move off Date" and "Moved to". The filter should include the State as "Sold" and the date range defined using the "Left" (herd) date-pickers. You can add some greater precision to filter to include only dairy cows by defining a combination of an Age range and Breed.

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

Cows Died

Go to Reports > Rule Reports > Animals

Follow the method for generating the Cows Sold report (as above) to define a filter to produce the animal list for the required time period.

Include the column options for "Date of Death" and "Place of Destruction". The filter should include the State as "Died" and the date range defined using the "Left" (herd) date-pickers.

You can add some greater precision to filter to include only dairy cows by defining a combination of an Age range and Breed.

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

Total Calvings

Go to Reports > Fertility Reports > Event Reports

This report will produce a list of historic calving events. Please note: for twins, you will see two rows for the cow calved.

Enter the required Start and End date range to define the time period e.g. calendar month.

Tick "Calvings with calf" and "Calvings with no calf"

Click the button "List Breeding Events" to list the calving events for the period.

Calves Died

To report on calf deaths, go to Reports > Rule Reports > Animals

Tick the required report column options, but we recommend that you include the following:

National ID, Sex, DOB, Dam, Date of Death, Days (the age in days)

Select "Dead" from the State drop-down.

Define the Died date range for the required period e.g calendar month.

If you want to only include calves entering/born into the herd over a specific time period, e.g. the previous 12 months, enter a "from" and "to" date range using the Date Joined date-pickers (this will include calves born in the herd as well as any purchased).

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

To run the report, click the button "List animals matching rule". The Age (Days) column will show the age at the date of death.

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

Calves Sold

Go to Reports > Fertility Reports > Event Reports. Follow the method above for calf deaths, but select the State to "Sold" and set the required time period via the Left (herd) date-pickers.

If you want to only include calves entering/born into the herd over a specific time period, e.g. the previous 12 months, enter a "from" and "to" date range using the Date Joined date-pickers (this will include calves born in the herd as well as any purchased).

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

Retained Heifer Calves

To generate a report showing the total number of dairy heifer calves in the herd on a historic valuation date, go to Reports > QA Reporting > Design Report and scroll down to the Bovine Herd Profile section. Enter the required valuation Date and optionally amend the Age categories.

Click the button "Generate Report". The report table will show the number of dairy heifer calves in the "Dairy Female" row for the appropriate age columns.

As an alternative, go to Reports > Fertility Reports > Event Reports to produce a report showing heifer calves that joined the herd over a specific date range and are "Live" in the herd as at "today's" date.

Select the required column options, and include "Breed" to help confirm the animals are dairy.

Select the State as "Live" and define a Date Joined range to limit the animal list to calves born/purchased over a specific time period.

Select the Breed drop-down as "Is" and enter the full name of your dairy breed into the box to the right.

Click the button "List animals matching rule" to run the report.

Retained Beef Calves

To generate a report showing the total number of beef calves in the herd on a historic valuation date, go to Reports > QA Reporting > Design Report and scroll down to the Bovine Herd Profile section. Enter the required valuation Date and optionally amend the Age categories.

Click the button "Generate Report". The report table will show the number of dairy heifer calves in the "Beef Male" and "Beef Female" for the appropriate age columns.

As an alternative, go to Reports > Fertility Reports > Event Reports to produce a report showing beef calves that joined the herd over a specific date range and are "Live" in the herd as at "today's" date.

To do this, follow the method as above for retained heifer calves, however if you want to use breed filtering, you would need to amend the Breed filter to shorten the animal list to beef breeds; an example would be selecting "Does Contain" and entering "X" into the text box will show only cross-bred animals.

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