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ℹ️ What is Buy X Get Y (BXGY), and how do I create one?
ℹ️ What is Buy X Get Y (BXGY), and how do I create one?

Learn about Buy X Get Y bundles and how to create one.

Updated over 2 months ago

Buy X Get Y allows you to offer discounts on some items in your bundle. This feature is available in two types of bundles:

When your customers purchase a specified quantity or reach a certain amount from the first set of products (X), they receive a discount on the second set of products (Y). The discount can be a fixed amount, a percentage off, or a free gift (100% discount).

How to Create a Buy X get Y bundle

A. Offer the Discount on Products "Fixed-bundle":

1. Click on "Create new bundle"

Navigate to your Fast Bundle admin panel and select "Create New Bundle."

2. Select "Fixed-Bundle"

Choose the "Fixed-Bundle" option for your new bundle.

3. Configure Bundle Content

To activate the Buy X Get Y feature, check the related box.

Then, specify the product(s) customers need to purchase (X) and the product(s) that will receive the discount (Y). Define the required quantities for each and set the discount type (fixed amount, percentage, or free gift).

4. Create a Product from this Bundle (BAP)

Decide whether to keep the product we’ve created for your bundle (BAP). The BAP(bundle as product) will function like any other product in your Shopify store.

5. Set the Title, Media, and Description of Your Bundle.

You can customize the title, media, and description for your bundle.

6. Save

Click "Save" to complete the process. Your bundle is now ready!

B. Offer the Discount on a collection "Mix & Match":

1. Click on "Create new bundle"

Navigate to your Fast Bundle admin page and select "Create New Bundle."

2. Choose the "Mix & Match" Bundle

3. Choose Bundle Type

To create a Buy X Get Y bundle, first select the "Sectioned List" type. Then, check the box to activate the BXGY discount feature for your bundle.

4. Choose the Sections and Set the Discount

The first section represents the products your customers need to purchase (X), and the second section contains the products that they can select in order to receive the discount (Y). You can choose from any collections available in your Shopify store or create a manual collection specifically for this bundle, which will not appear in your main store. For a manual collection, simply select specific products, assign a name to the collection, and add the products you wish to include.

5. Specify discount on Y

Specify the type and amount of discount that you want to assign to products the customer gets. (Y). You can choose among three discount types: "Percentage discount", "Fixed discount" and "Free gift(100 % discount)".

6. Create a Product from this Bundle (BAP)

Decide whether to keep the product we’ve created for your bundle (BAP). The BAP(bundle as product) will function like any other product in your Shopify store.

7. Save

Then press "Save," and you are done!


You can see our Buy X get Y bundles in both setups on our demo store.

You can see it in the first picture below.

We hope this article was helpful! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Fast Bundle support team. You can contact us through the following options:

Live Chat: Get instant help via live chat on our website or through the Fast Bundle admin panel in your Shopify dashboard.

Email: Send your inquiries to, and our team will respond as quickly as possible.

We’re always here to assist you!​​

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