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How to create the “Frequently Bought Together”?
How to create the “Frequently Bought Together”?

Steps on creating a bundle with type Frequently bought together or FBT.

Updated over 4 months ago

What is a Frequently Bought Together Bundle?

An FBT bundle, or "Frequently Bought Together" bundle, is a marketing and sales strategy where a group of products that are commonly purchased together is offered as a bundle. This bundle is presented to customers on product pages to encourage them to buy multiple related items in one transaction.


You can check our FBT bundle on our demo store.

How to create the FBT bundle?

It is easily possible to create “Frequently Bought Together” by following these steps:

1. Click on "Create new bundle"

On your Fast Bundle admin panel, click on the “Create new bundle” button.

2. Choose bundle type

Then choose the “Frequently Bought Together” type of bundling from the options.

3. Choose FBT type

Choose the type of FBT bundle you wish to make. You have two options:

  1. By selecting "Specific product", you choose the main and the offered products yourself.

  2. By selecting "All products" Fast Bundle creates an FBT for all your products using AI, based on the previous orders. (At least 20 orders are needed for it to work)You can read more about it here. This feature is not available in the Free plan

For the FBT AI on All Products to work for a specific product, there must be at least 20 orders that include that specific product along with other products.

4. Choose Main and Offered Products.

If you choose "Specific product" you can choose your “Main product” and “Offered products” (Up to 3 products) from their own sections same as in the following photo.

5. Set discount

Choose the type and value of discount you want to apply to the bundle from the “Discount” section.

6. Name your bundle

You can set a name and title for the bundle to display in the Fast Bundle panel and to your customers. The title will appear on the bundle widget for your customers to see.

7. Save

Don't forget to click "Save" when you are done.

View your Bundle

You can view your bundle using the 'View on Store' button at the top of the page.

Optional: Change the position of the FBT on the product page

You may want to change the place of the FBT on the main product page. You can use the "FBT Bundles position" block "Fast Bundle Blocks" to do this.

If Blocks are not compatible with your theme, you can check the following articles to use custom liquid HTML code to insert the "FBT bundles position block" on your theme and change the position.

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