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Settings - Online Reviews

Capture service ratings for each completed service and prompt clients to post online reviews on your review site of choice.

Erin O'Hara avatar
Written by Erin O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


Online Reviews gives your customers a chance to review the service they received via a star-rating system of one to five stars. They can keep this review private or continue on to social media to post their feedback there. Negative reviews (one to three stars) are not publicly viewable on the social media sites.

Key Points

  • Enable Online Reviews

  • Create the positive/negative Online Review messages and responses

  • Add the Online Review request to the Work Order email template

  • Negative Online Reviews are sent to your email for a quick response

  • Check the Online Review report for review details

Enabling the Online Reviews feature in Fieldwork requires two steps:

  1. Adding the {online_reviews} placeholder in the Work Order/Service Report email template in Settings > Document Templates:

  2. Activating Online Reviews in Settings > Online Reviews:

Step 1: Adding the {online_reviews} placeholder

Go to the bottom of the page and insert your cursor to where you want the online review request to appear in the email. Add some verbiage to make the request for a review. Put your cursor under that and click the {online_reviews} placeholder to the right of the email box

          How did we do? As you know, reviews are extremely important and
          we appreciate every 5-star review we receive. If there is anything
          about your service that was less than 5 stars, please let us know
          so we can have a chance to correct it.

          Poor           Average             Excellent

Tip Under the {online_reviews} place holder, add Poor Average Excellent with a little spacing between each to guide your reviewer to the correct evaluation of the service.

Click the green Save Templates button at the top of the page.

Step 2: Activate Online Reviews in Settings/Online Reviews

The second step is at the top of the Settings/Online Reviews page. Click
[x] Activate online reviews to activate.

If you have review pages on Google, Yelp, Facebook, the Better Business Bureau, or Angie's List enter the URLs in their respective text boxes. If you have a Custom Review page, or a review page that is not one of the above, HomeAdvisor for example, enter it in that text box. You can also load a Custom Review page image.

For more information about learning how to create review pages for social media sites, see our Help Center article: Online Reviews - how to create my review sites.

Email rating block title

This is not the email subject line. This is the text that appears above the five review stars. Make the text actionable, such as: “How did we do? Please rate us as your input makes us better!” When the customer clicks one of the stars, a web page appears prompting the customer to take action. The action is based on the number of stars selected. 

Positive review message

Enter an upbeat message. If the customer clicks 4 or 5 stars, the web page will thank the customer for the positive review. The text you enter in the Positive Review Message should encourage the customer to continue to the review website and type some positive text to support the rating. 

Negative review message

Enter an apologetic message. If the customer clicks 1, 2 or 3 stars, a private, Negative Review page appears where the customer can type why they rated their experience as 1, 2 or 3 stars. The web page will contain the text you enter in the Negative Review Message. Ask the customer to explain why their expectations weren’t met. 

Note Reviews that are 1, 2 or 3 stars do not get posted to social media sites. The review goes into an email that is sent to the email address in settings/company information, outgoing email box:

Negative review email reply

Acknowledge the customer’s feedback. When the customer completes the negative review a response email is sent back to the customer. Enter text here to thank the customer for the feedback and let the customer know that someone will be contacting them shortly. 

Another email is sent to the email address stored in your Company Information settings. The email has the subject line: Urgent - Negative online review and the contents of the email is what the customer typed in the negative review page. This email gives you the opportunity to respond to the customer in a timely manner to identify and rectify the problem.

Click the green Save button to save your settings.

What the Customer Sees

To test Online Reviews create a Work Order for a test customer that has your email address in it, mark it complete and the stars will appear on the email generated after the service is complete.

Understand that only one review is allowed per email. Once the service has been rated - the customer cannot rate it a second time. If you are running multiple tests, each test needs its own completed Work Order. 

Note The star image cannot be modified.

Work Order Email with the online review request.

When your customers receive the Completed Work Order email, a request is included for them to review their experience, and it includes 5 stars to rate you. 

It will appear in the email as below:

When your customers click 4 or 5 stars, they get prompted to write an online review. 

If your customers click 1, 2 or 3 stars they can write a response email that goes directly to you. One, two, and three-star reviews do not go online.

When the recipient clicks a star the browser opens to your online portal. 

Positive feedback page

The text the customer sees comes from the text you entered in the Positive review message text box. Below is what appears when the recipient clicks 4 or 5 stars.

Negative feedback page 

The text the customer sees comes from the text you entered in the Negative review message text box. Below is what appears when the recipient clicks 1, 2 or 3 stars. Remember the low-end 1, 2 or 3 stars is on the left side of the star line.

The customer enters the complaint and clicks the Save button.

When the customer clicks the Save button the complaint is logged into the system.

An email is sent to the email address set in your Settings/Company Information page. Contact the customer to rectify the issue as soon as possible. 

You can find out who sent the message in Reports > Online Review. A sample report is below.

Also watch these videos:

For more information about getting started with Online Reviews, see: Online Reviews - getting started.

November 2017
Updated, December 2018

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