Time to complete these steps: Approximately 1 minute.
Sign up or Sign in to Flatly
You will be presented with only 1 clickable drop-down menu on the page, titled "Select Data Source". Click that drop-down and select Gusto.
Select any Data Destination (in this example Dropbox).
Click the only button available to you next in the sequence, titled "Authorize Gusto".
6. You will be presented with a popup asking you to enter your Gusto Company Name:
7. Then you'll be prompted to sign into Gusto.
8. Then Gusto will prompt you to Authorize Access.
9. Then your Gusto Company will be connected to Flatly.
10. You can Disconnect this Company by clicking on the same button you used to Authorize it, now labeled "Disconnect". For now, continue to the remaining settings: