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How to Login to Flow
How to Login to Flow
Written by Lisa Tateishi
Updated over a week ago

This article guides through the following contents related to login.

Advance preparation

Login procedure


If you are unable to log in after trying the troubleshooting steps

Advance preparation

The following information is required to log in to Flow.

  1. [User ID] or [Email address]

  2. [password]

If you do not have the above information, please contact your system management representative or contact customer support.

Please contact us at or the intercom message function.

Login procedure

  1. Please enter your user name and password in the input fields on the image.

  2. Click [Login] to complete the login.



How to respond

If you have forgotten your user name and password

If you have forgotten your user name and password, please reset your password from "Forgot your password".

  • We do not accept changes in settings. Please check with the person in charge of FLOW in your company.

    * If the person in charge of the system has forgotten, please contact our customer support.

If you cannot log in even though your user name and password are correct

If you cannot log in even though you have entered your user name and password correctly, please check the following items.

  • Are the user name and password entered in single-byte alphanumerical characters?

  • Have you entered extra characters such as spaces, dots, and commas

  • Have you used a past password?

After checking the above items, if you still cannot log in, try refreshing the login screen (Press Ctrl + Shift + R keys at the same time).

If you are unable to log in after trying the troubleshooting steps

If you cannot log in even after checking with the person in charge and trying the troubleshooting steps, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact our customer support.

* To contact customer support, please use or the intercom message function.

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