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2021 California Recall Universe Tags

Definitions for 2021 California Recall Universe tags

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a week ago

The following Universe Tags are available in the California database for the September 14, 2021 Gubernatorial Recall election. Each Recall Universe is mutually exclusive of any of the other Recall Universes. All Universes are ranked by their modeled recall support.

Tag Name

Tag Description

Strongest Pro-Recall

High turnout and strongest recall supporters

Strong Pro-Recall Targets

High turnout strong recall supporters

Higher-Prop Strong Persuasion Targets

Best high turnout recall persuasion targets

Lower-Prop Strong Persuasion Targets

Best low turnout recall persuasion targets

Higher-Prop Lean Persuasion Targets

Lean high turnout recall persuasion targets

Lower-Prop Lean Persuasion Targets

Lean low turnout recall persuasion targets

Higher-Prop True Middle

High turnout undecided recall targets

Lower-Prop True Middle

Low turnout undecided recall targets

Higher-Prop Lean Anti-Recall

High turnout lean recall opponents

Lower-Prop Lean Anti-Recall

Low turnout lean recall opponents

Strong Anti-Recall Targets

High turnout strong recall opponents

Strongest Anti-Recall

High turnout and strongest recall opponents

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