The Orders page displays all scheduled Ad Shop ads and Flytedesk National ad orders.
On the orders page, adjust your view to see upcoming ads by Run Date or Insertion Order (as shown in the image above).
Use the "Order Types" filter to filter out national ads & only display Ad Shop ads (as shown below)
Here's what you can do on the Run Date view:
Type the Ad or Order ID in the free search box to find your ad or order.
Filter the results by Start and End Date, Order Type, Product, Customer, and Status.
Export the results in the form of an Excel CSV file by clicking on the export button on the right-hand side of the page.
Sort the Status, Date, and Customer columns to show chronological or reverse chronological order.
Download an insertion order.
Upload and approve the creative.
Add notes to an ad or order.
Take actions such as canceling the ad, downloading the IO, or rescheduling the ad.
Here’s what you can do on the Insertion Order view:
Type the Order ID in the free search box to find your order.
Filter the results by Start and End date, Order, Customer, and Status.
Sort the Status, Created Date, Run Dates, and Customer columns to show the results in chronological or reverse chronological order.
Approve and download an insertion order.
Assign a rep to the customer.
Add notes to an order.
Take action such as reviewing an IO, canceling an IO, or downloading the IO.