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Creating Custom Billing Reports

Customize your A/R aging, Sales Summary, and Transaction reports.

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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a month ago

To access billing reports, click on the "Reports" page, which can be found under the "Billing" tab on the sidebar menu. Using the tabs at the top of this page, you can navigate to three different types of reports:

A/R Aging Report

On your reports page, the first tab you'll see is the Accounts Receivable Aging report, which shows the balance of unpaid invoices and how long they have been overdue. This report can be formatted in one of two ways:

  • A/R Aging Summary: The summary view will show a list of customers and their outstanding balances, organized by the number of days the amount has been due.

  • A/R Aging Detail: The detail view goes a step further to break down outstanding balances as they relate to specific invoices rather than the customer as a whole. To switch to this view, select "Details" from the "Report Type" dropdown at the top of the left sidebar.

To switch between these two formats, select from the “report type” dropdown on the page's left sidebar. Additionally, you can view the aging report's appearance on a specific date by hovering over the document and editing the "As of" date underneath the report title.

Sales Summary

The Sales Summary report shows total sales, both in terms of number of ads and dollar amount, and can be completely customized to fit your needs. For example, you could use this report to see total sales by product this year compared to last year or total sales by customer grouped by local vs. non-profit. Some settings you can use to customize this report are:

  • Primary Dimension: View and edit the primary dimension at the top left of the report, underneath the report title. This will change what each line item in the report calculates.

  • Comparisons: By default, two comparison columns will be added to the report, which compares last year to this year. You can remove or edit those defaults by hovering over the column titles. To add your own comparison column, select the "plus" icon on the right side of the table.

  • Grouping: To get an even more specific view of the data, you can sort your report line items into groups. To do this, select an option in the "Grouped by" dropdown that appears below the primary dimension selection at the top left of the report.

Transaction Report

The third tab on your reports page is the Transaction Report, which shows all the sales and payments going through your flytedesk account.

With the transaction report, you can:

  • View transaction details, including a unique transaction ID, date, customer details, transaction type, method, amount, and transaction notes.

  • Group report line items: To specify how transactions in this report should be grouped, select an option from the "Grouped by" dropdown that appears at the top right of the report, below the report title.

Credit Card Transaction Report

The final tab on your Reports page is the Credit Card Transaction Report. Similar to the Transaction Report, this report allows you to see all of the credit card transactions that have gone through the platform through our credit card processor.

Use this report to see the credit card fees that have been taken out of each order. The amount you see on the report when you filter if for a certain month will be the same amount you will see on your check from us!

Other Report Features

Across all report types, you'll also have access to the following customization options and actions:

  • Adjust Layout: You'll find this setting on the left sidebar. This will switch the report between landscape and portrait mode.

  • Adjust Number Format: This setting can also be found on the left sidebar and allows you to specify whether numbers on the report should be written exactly or rounded.

  • Filter: Each report type has various filter options, which you can find by hovering over the report document and selecting "Filters" in the top right corner.

  • Sort: On the Sales Summary and Transaction Report, you can specify how the report should be sorted by clicking on the arrow icon next to the column header that should be used to sort the document.

  • Copy Link: The first icon in the action list on the top right side of the page will copy a link to the document with whichever settings and filters were applied at the time of copying. You can then share this link with other members of your team.

  • Download PDF: The second icon in the action list on the top right side of the page will download the report as a PDF.

  • Print Document: The third icon in the action list on the top right side of the page will open a print dialog, which you can use to print the formatted document.

  • Export to CSV: The last icon in the action list on the top right side of the page will export the data displayed in the report as a CSV.

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