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Managing Ad Performance With Digital Analytics
Managing Ad Performance With Digital Analytics

How to access impressions, clicks, and other performance stats from the flytedesk digital units on your website.

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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago

Digital analytics live on the left side menu in your account. Click on the chart icon to open the page. Within the Totals rectangle at the top of the page, you can view analytics for ads that have run in all your active flytedesk digital units from 2018 to present.


Below is a breakdown of each chart found on this page. (There are 5 total.) See the digital analytics glossary to learn more about how these stats are calculated.


When first loading the page, the Totals chart will display all-time stats across all ad units, properties, and customers. Applying filters will adjust the stats to your parameters.

To see a monthly or daily average over a period of time, select "Monthly Avg." or "Daily Avg." from the upper righthand side of this dashboard.

Monthly Avg. divides all-time (or, if applicable, just the run dates you've filtered to) stats by the number of days, multiplied by 30.

*Keep in mind that if you are looking at fewer than 30 days of data, these totals might be higher than the overall totals.

Daily Avg. divides all-time (or, if applicable, just the run dates you've filtered to) stats by the number of days in your range.

Ad Filter

For only fall 2019 and beyond, this chart lists all the flytedesk digital ads that have run on your site. You can do a couple of things from this chart:

  • Select one or more ads to filter the Totals, Impressions, and Click-Through Rate charts just to the data for those specific ads. Use the search bar to find the ad you're looking for faster.

  • View impressions & click information per ad based on the filters you've applied. You might need to scroll the chart to the right to see all the stats available to you.

  • Export the table to a CSV file.


A line chart of impressions over time.

The dates along the x-axis (bottom) of the chart are responsive to your filters, meaning the dates will space themselves out depending on how long or short of a time period you've filtered to.

Hover over a dot on the chart to see the exact number of impressions from that day. If you don't see certain days, try narrowing your Run Date range to get a closer look.

To exclude any one of the impression categories (viewable, full, etc.), click on the category at the top of the chart - next to the colored box(es) - to "cross it out." This will clear the data from the chart. Here's an example with Viewable and Full Impressions crossed out, and only Impressions displaying:


A line chart of clicks received over time.

The dates along the x-axis (bottom) of the chart are responsive to your filters, meaning the dates will space themselves out depending on how long or short of a time period you've filtered to.

Hover over a dot on the chart to see the exact number of clicks from that day. If you don't see certain days, try narrowing your Run Date range to get a closer look.

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

A line chart of click-through rate (CTR) over time.

The dates along the x-axis (bottom) of the chart are responsive to your filters, meaning the dates will space themselves out depending on how long or short of a time period you've filtered to.

Hover over a dot on the chart to see the exact CTR from that day. If you don't see certain days, try narrowing your Run Date range to get a closer look.

Like the impressions chart, to exclude any one of the CTR categories (viewable, full, etc.), click on the category at the top to "cross it out." This will clear the data from the chart.

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