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Getting started with your media kit

This short orientation guide will introduce you to the Flytedesk media kit

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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the Flytedesk media kit! The media kit was designed over months and months based on feedback from our student media network. It's the 100% customizable, powerful, most important place in your Flytedesk account - the place where you add products & pricing for advertisers to purchase.

Here are some of the things you can do with the Flytedesk media kit:

  1. Sell any product you offer. We mean any. Go beyond print and digital: now you can create brand new product options like e-newsletters, news racks, event sponsorships, and even video production services to monetize your student media office. The sky is the limit.

  2. Customize your products. There are endless customizable settings, fields, and attributes to set up your product suite exactly to your specifications.

  3. Organize your products. You can now organize your products into mediums, properties, and collections (kind of like a filing cabinet). These levels allow you to promote, price, and sell all of your organization's advertising opportunities at the local and national levels.

Here are some terms to get familiar with:

(Pro Tip: bookmark the Media Kit Glossary to keep a reference handy!)


Products are unique advertising opportunities that can be purchased. They are the core of your media kit. Every product exists within a medium, property, and collection.

Examples of products:

  • 'Full-page Print Ad'

  • 'Puzzle Sponsorship'

  • 'Social Media Shoutout'


Variants are ways to offer different types of the same product. You can customize variants when you're editing a product.

Examples of variants:

  • A print ad that comes in 'Black & White' or 'Color'

  • A Twitter ad that comes in 'Text Only' or 'Text + Photo'

  • A billboard that comes in 'Small' or 'Large'


Collections are groups of products that adhere to the same schedule and/or reach.

Examples of collections:

  • A 'Standard Edition' of your newspaper

  • An 'Instagram' account

  • A special 'Football Edition' with double the circulation that prints on Thursdays during football season

  • A 'Housing Guide Website' where you sell promoted housing posts and classifieds


Mediums are unique means of distributing information. These are the highest levels within your media kit. We populate your media kit with some of the most common mediums by default.

Examples of mediums:

  • Print

  • Digital

  • Social Media

  • Out-of-Home

  • Street Team

  • Radio

  • Television


Properties are unique product lines within a medium. These may be operated by different teams or organizations.

Examples of properties:

  • 'The Daily News,' a Print property

  • 'What's Up Magazine,' a Print property

  • 'KWVU,' a Radio property

  • 'Campus Buses,' an Out-of-Home property

Here's what it looks like in action:

Product: Full Page Ad
     (Variant: Black & White or Color)
Collection: Standard Edition
Medium: Print
     (Property: Campus Newspaper)

There's no right or wrong way to add products to your media kit. Remember, the sky is the limit - you can customize your media kit exactly to your specifications. Ultimately, utilizing your media kit to its fullest should bring you more revenue and transform your ad office into an efficient sales machine.

If you're looking for a quick & easy place to get started, follow the media kit checklist.

To make sure you're getting the most out of your media kit, schedule some time with your Flytedesk rep. We'll walk you through setup and offer suggestions if you need us.

Happy selling!

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