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How to set up Campaign Groups
Updated today

Welcome to Campaign Grouping in Flywheel 2.0, built to allow you to analyze and manage your advertising by cohorts of campaigns. Assigning group names to your campaigns allows you to filter data more efficiently to make quick decisions or even track spend at a more granular level. With only a few simple steps you can now view your data how you want.

Set up Campaign Groups in Flywheel

Inline Editing and Creating Groups

  1. Enter Edit Mode:

    • In the Ads Manager's campaign tab, toggle into edit mode to begin making changes to your campaigns.

  1. Assign Group Names:

    • Click the dropdown for the campaign you want to assign a group name to.

    • Choose from the existing groups or create a new one.

    • Click Save to apply the edits.

  2. Creating New Groups:

    • If the desired group doesn't exist, click "Create or Edit Groups" at the bottom of the dropdown.

    • Edit existing group names or create a new one within the merchant.

    • Return to edit mode and apply the newly created group name to any campaigns.

Bulk Editing

  1. Select Multiple Campaigns:

    • Choose multiple campaigns in the Ads Manager.

    • Click on Bulk Edit.

  2. Assign Group Names in Bulk:

    • In the bulk editing menu, select the group.

    • Choose the campaign group you want to assign to the selected campaigns.

    • Don't forget to click Save to apply the bulk changes.

CSV Upload

  1. Manage Groups By CSV:

    • Click the bulk manage groups icon in the top right of the table.

  2. Download CSV Template:

    • Download the CSV template, which includes Campaign Name and a column for group names.

    • Input group names separated by commas to assign multiple groups to a campaign.

  3. Important Tips:

    • Do not edit Merchant Country ID or Campaign UUID to avoid upload failures.

    • Leaving the Group Label column blank will leave a campaign ungrouped.

    • The downloaded template will include only campaigns shown on the current table you are analyzing.

Take advantage of Campaign Groups

Once you have set up your campaign groups in ads manager here is how you can use these groups to optimize your data analysis and budgeting.

  1. Within the campaigns tab in ads manager use the filtering capability to anaylze campaign performance for a particular group.

  2. Using the Budget Pacing feature you can now set budgets for your individual campaign groups and track spending toward more granular monthly budget targets.

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