Before reaching out, try searching for the answer in the Sharesies help centre using the search box above—it might have already been answered.
Contact Fonterra’s Farmer Support team
Fonterra’s Farmer Support team should be your first port of call, and can help you with:
using Sharesies, including buying and selling shares, and topping up or withdrawing from your Wallet
updating your farm business’s details, such as its address or associated Trading Contacts
understanding your Fonterra shareholding requirements.
You can call them on 0800 65 65 68.
Contact our investor care team
To report a bug, request a feature, or get help resetting your Sharesies account password, flick our investor care team an email at
Email anytime—we’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.
Our Investor Care team are online Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM.