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How do I use My Schedule?

Use the My Schedule tool to plan ahead and map out your coursework.

Updated over a month ago

On the Live Stream calendar you will see an "Add to My Schedule" button for each upcoming live stream. This button allows you to add a live stream to your schedule. This helps you to plan out how you intend to work through your required material, and to organize the live streams you plan to attend.

You don't have to use the My Schedule feature if you don't want to. You are not required to add live streams to your schedule to attend them. The My Schedule feature is optional, and is just a tool to help you plan ahead. You are free to join any live stream you have access to, even if it hasn't been added to your schedule.

After you add a live stream to your calendar, you can view only the live streams on your schedule by choosing the "My Schedule" option from the drop-down menu on the live streams. This will filter the upcoming live streams to only show those that you have added to your schedule. Live streams that have been added to your schedule will also be shown on your dashboard on your required topic checklist.

To remove a live stream from your schedule, simply click the "Remove from my schedule" button on the live stream, and it will be removed from your schedule.

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