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Persist Training Sample: PUMP LIFT
Persist Training Sample: PUMP LIFT

Check out a sample of our PUMP LIFT track in Persist

Laura Campbell avatar
Written by Laura Campbell
Updated over a week ago

The PUMP LIFT training track is a 75-90 minute program 5 days per week. PUMP LIFT includes "short on time" notes to reduce each training session to 60-75 minutes.

Sample Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday: Lower Body / Legs – Back Squats & Stiff Legged Deadlifts

  • Tuesday: Upper Body Push – Incline BB Bench Press & Dips

  • Wednesday: Upper Body Pull w/ Hinging – Strict Pull Ups & Rack Pulls

  • Thursday: Active Rest Day with Mobility

  • Friday: Full Body Push (Shoulder and Quad Focused) – Back Supported Barbell Press & Quad Dominant Split Squats

  • Saturday: Full Body Pull with Chest (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, and Biceps) – Good Morning/Hip Thrust & Single Arm DB Bench Press

  • Sunday: Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Sample PUMP LIFT Training Day

Coach Note: How We Lunge Matters

People often make the mistake of thinking that an exercise always targets the same muscles. But the reality is that how we perform an exercise can impact what muscles get the bulk of the work. A lunge with a short step vs. a lunge with a long step may work more quads vs. glutes.

In the case of this cycle, we have been performing KOT lunges. When we send the knee farther out over the toe on a lunge, we bias a little bit more of the quads. Pay attention to where you want to feel a movement.

Short on Time:
- Perform 2-3 minutes of cardio at a high effort to get your breathing up, blood pumping, and a good sweat.
- Then jump right into 2 sets of Pre-Fatigue
- Complete the Strength Intensity Section in its entirety
- Complete the entire Strength Balance Section
- Skip the Finisher Section


Cardio Machine of Choice x 3-5 minutes
+ 2-3 Sets:
Russian Baby maker x 5

Alternating Squat Thoracic Rotation x 5/side

Hip ER/IR Combo x 5/side
Tempo Pulse Squat in Bottom Position x 30 seconds

Catch to receiving position x 10 reps

Pre-Fatigue - Hamstring & Unilateral Legs:

2-3 sets
1) Banded Hamstring Curl OR Prone/Seated Hamstring Curl Machine
Set 1: 20 reps - Light to Moderate
Set 2: 15-20 reps- Moderate to Hard
Set 3: 10-15 reps @ 8-9/10 RPE
rest 60 seconds
2) Contralateral Suitcase Box Step Down x 10-15 reps/side @ 30X0; rest 60-90 sec

Strength Intensity - Squat & Hinge:

Cyclist Back Squat or Hack Squat @30X1; Rest 90-120 seconds between sets

3 x 6 @30X1; rest 3 minutes
Set 1: 6 reps @ RPE 7
Set 2: 6 reps @ RPE 8
Set 3: 6 reps @ RPE 9

Set 4: -10% from Set 3 and perform for an AMRAP Set @ 20X0 Tempo
*Perform a series of 1-3 Warm Up Sets in order to find your working weight for Set 1. This should be slightly higher than Week 4 since the reps have dropped.

Part 2

Every 2 minutes x 3 sets
Stiff Legged Deadlift @ 21X1 x 6-8 reps; *RPE 7-8/10 for all sets

*The reps, sets, and RPE are the same this week as last week. Please aim to execute your reps better this week with similar weight or slightly increased weight.

Strength Balance - Unilateral Legs & Calves:
3 sets
1) Alternating Suitcase KOT Forward Elevated Lunge (stepping onto a 2-4" plate)) x 6 reps/side @ 30X1; rest 30 seconds
2) Toes Elevated Donkey Calf Raise @21X1 x 15 reps; rest 60-90 seconds and back to 1

Finisher - Glutes & Core:
2-3 Sets
Copenhagen Raise or Bent Knee Copenhagen Raise x 15-20 reps / Right; rest 15 seconds
Copenhagen Raise or Bent Knee Copenhagen Raise x 15-20 reps / Left; rest 15 seconds
Weighted Hanging Knee Tucks or Bodyweight Hanging Knee Tucks @ 20X0 x 10-15 reps; rest 15 seconds
Weighted or Bodyweight Tuck L Hang 20-30 seconds; rest 60-90 seconds and start the next set


1-2 sets
1. Supine Hamstring Stretch x 30 seconds/side

2. Butterfly Stretch x 1 minute
3. Dynamic Couch Stretch x 1 minute/side

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