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Persist Training Sample: PERFORM
Persist Training Sample: PERFORM

Check out a sample of our PERFORM track in Persist

Laura Campbell avatar
Written by Laura Campbell
Updated over a week ago

The PERFORM training track is a 75-90 minute program 5 days per week. This is the only track in Persist that includes Olympic Lifting. PERFORM includes "short on time" notes to reduce each training session to 60-75 minutes.

Sample Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Hinge and Upper Pull – Snatch, Deadlift

  • Tuesday – Upper Body Push – HSPU Skill Work, Split Jerks

  • Wednesday – Squat Heavy – Cleans and Back Squats

  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility

  • Friday – Hinge and Push – Snatch Pulls, Snatch Deadlifts, and Banded Sumo Deadlifts

  • Saturday – Squat and Pull – Front Squats

  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Sample PERFORM Training Day

Coach Note: Shoulder Raises

This exercise has been a controversial one in the fitness industry. When performed with poor technique, it tends to lead to achey shoulders but it is a perfect exercise to increase muscle mass in the deltoids and build shoulder health when performed well. Keep the weight lighter and move through this exercise slower for an even greater stimulus to the shoulders.

Short on Time:
- Perform 2-3 minutes of cardio at a high effort to get your breathing up, blood pumping, and a good sweat.
- Then jump right into the HOT START
- Skip the Handstand Push Up Skill work today
- Complete all Split Jerk Sets
- Complete the entire Strength Balance section
- Complete the Finisher with a light kettlebell so you can jump right into it without extra warm-up for complex movements like the GetUp or Windmill


2-3 Sets
1. Cardio 60 seconds - Bike/Row/Run/Ski/Sled Option

2. Passive Hang x 30 seconds
3. Shoulder Axials x 10/side
4. Reverse Wall Shoulder Circles x 5/side

Hot Start - Increasing Effort Shoulders:

3 Rounds @ increasing effort

12 Calorie Bike

25" HS Walk or 3 Wall Walks

rest 30-60 seconds between rounds

Skill Work - Handstand Push Up & Shoulder Endurance:

Skill - Kipping HSPU Every Minute on the Minute x 6 Minutes
10-20 Double Unders or 20-30 Single Unders
5-10 Kipping HSPU or Yoga Push Ups

Split Jerk : Every 75 seconds x 6 sets
1 Split Jerk
*Percentages based on Split Jerk 1RM Set 1-2: 75-85%

Set 3-4: 80-90% Set 5-6: 90-100+%

Strength Balance - Chest & Shoulders:

2 Working Sets

1. Barbell Bench Press @ 40X0 x 4-6 reps; rest 30 seconds
2. Shoulder Raise Complex:

5 Dumbbell Lateral Raise
5 Dumbbell Front Raise
5 Dumbbell Lateral Raise
5 Dumbbell Front Raise
5 Dumbbell Lateral Raise
5 Dumbbell Front Raise
rest 90-120 seconds and back to 1

*Coach Tip - Depending on how warm you are at this point, perform 1-2 short warm-up sets for your Bench Press to get to your working set weights. Then begin your first superset. Perform both bench press sets near 8-9 RPE. Choose a moderate weight for the shoulder raise complex and focus on good form and keeping the muscle under constant tension.

Conditioning - Core Rotation & Carry GRINDER:

For Time @ Sustainable Pace

50m Dual KB Rack Carry 53/35lb or 35/26lb
8 Turkish Get Ups Right 53/35lb or 35/26lb
8 KB Windmill Right 53/35lb or 35/26lb

300/240m Row
50m Dual KB Rack Carry 53/35lb or 35/26lb

300/240m Row

8 Turkish Get Ups Left 53/35lb or 35/26lb
8 KB Windmill Left 53/35lb or 35/26lb
50m Dual KB Rack Carry 53/35lb or 35/26lb

*Time Cap - 12 minutes

Coach Tip - These conditioning pieces are exploring challenging KB weights and movements like the GetUp and the Windmill over this 6-week cycle. Move at a controlled pace and slow down to make sure you execute the more complex movements correctly.


2-3 sets
1. Bar Dip Stretch x 30 seconds

2. PVC Lat Stretch x 30 seconds

3. Passive Hang x 30 seconds

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