To be able to create or update an Excel organisation you need to complete the import template according to the format specified below. You can then upload your data into Futrli.
📌TIP: If you're updating the values in your Excel organisation, we recommend working from the last spreadsheet uploaded. You can keep the settings and accounts already set up, and add new data for the new periods.
For more details, visit our guide, Update values of Excel organisations.
Before you start
Add your data to the white cells only
Don't change the grey cells
Make sure to fill in the data in both the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet tabs
Profit & Loss
Cells B2-B6 - Financial date settings
Cells B2-B6 - Financial date settings
The first step is to configure your financial year settings, start dates, and period format. This will automatically populate your period headers in the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet tabs.
In cell B2, enter the name of the organisation (30 characters max).
In cell B3, select the first month of the organisation's financial year.
In cell B4, select the organisation's currency from the list.
In cell B5, select the period type - whether uploaded on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
In cell B6, enter the calendar start year (YYYY) - not the financial year.
EXAMPLE: If the financial year starts in April 2022 and you need to upload data for March 2022, you need to set the start year to 2021 to include that period.
This will automatically set up the columns from April 2021 onwards. If you don't want to enter data for the period from April 2021 to February 2022, you must leave the data empty in the unused columns. Don’t delete the empty columns as the first month must match the first month of the financial year.
⚠CAUTION: Make sure to select the Currency, Financial year start month and Period from the drop-down lists. The format is specific and must not be changed.
Column C - Add your Account names
Column C - Add your Account names
Before you start entering data, you need to set up in column C the Account names against the default categories set in column A. This will set up your Chart of accounts and will allow you to easily select your accounts when creating reports and forecasts.
In column A, each category is defined here as the system default and you must not change this.
Cost of Sales
Other Expenses
Other Income
In column B, an Account code is set up by default for each account. The account code must be unique and is required by the system.
It is possible to change and customise the Account code, but only on your first upload. For more information, visit our article Account codes in Excel organisations.
📌TIP: If you need more than 20 accounts within a category, you can add new rows, but you'll need to make sure to set up account codes for them.
Column D - Add your data
Column D - Add your data
Once you have set up the periods and your accounts names, you can start entering your figures for the different periods.
In column D onwards, enter your data for each account and for the relevant months, quarters, or years. The period will depend on the dates and frequency set up in cells B3, B5, and B6.
Data format:
The values in the Profit and Loss tab need to reflect the transactional amount for that period. Data is added as a positive value for both income and expense accounts.
Visit our data format guide for more information.
Balance Sheet
Cells B1 / B2 - VAT settings
Cells B1 / B2 - VAT settings
In the Balance Sheet tab, you'll first need to set up your VAT scheme and frequency:
In cell B1, select the organisation's VAT scheme. For example, accrual based or cash based.
In cell B2, set the VAT frequency, for example, 'Quarterly'.
📎NOTE: If an organisation doesn't pay VAT, you’ll still need to select one of these options. You’ll then be able to set VAT as 0% when you create predictions.
Column C - Add your Account names
Column C - Add your Account names
In column C, add your Accounts names against each Category and Account code.
📎NOTE: As with the Profit & Loss tab, the categories in column A must align with the system and you must change them:
Fixed Assets
Current Assets
Non-Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities
⚠CAUTION: You can customise the account codes in column B on the first upload, but you can’t change this afterwards.
📌TIP: If you need more than 20 accounts within a category, you can add new rows. You'll need to make sure to set up account codes for each new row.
Column D - System accounts set up
Column D - System accounts set up
System accounts are required to set up default accounts and build forecasts. By default, system accounts are assigned to the first row in each relevant category.
You can change and reassign in column D as follows:
Main Bank - assign to one account in the Bank category
Accounts Receivable - assign to one account in the Current Assets category
Accounts Payable - assign to one account in the Current Liabilities category
VAT Control Account - assign to one account in the Current Liabilities category
Retained Earnings (default only) - this is assigned by default and must align with the system-generated Retained Earnings account. If you add no values, don't remove the default system account as it must be set up regardless
📎NOTE: Don't enter any account for Current Year Earnings - this automatically calculates within Futrli.
Column E - Opening balance
Column E - Opening balance
If required, you can set an opening balance for any accounts in the Balance Sheet.
Column F onwards - Enter your data
Column F onwards - Enter your data
Enter your data for the relevant months, quarters, or years.
📎NOTE: The period format in the header row 5 is based on what you entered in cells B3, B5, and B6 of the Profit & Loss tab. If you need to change the period, don’t amend the cells in the header row but from the Profit and Loss tab.
Data format: In the Balance Sheet tab, you’ll need to add the cumulative balance for each account, with figures added as positive values. Visit our data format guide for more information.
After you fill in your data, before you proceed with the import, double check the following:
Each account name has an account code and is in the correct category
Account codes are unique and not duplicated
All default system accounts are assigned
There’s only one system account set up under each relevant category
Grey cells weren’t tampered with
Don’t delete unused columns if you’re uploading data halfway through the financial year
Figures must balance in the Balance Sheet tab
📌TIP: You can also visit our guide, Excel organisation upload errors.
Next steps
Once you complete and verify the spreadsheet, you're ready to upload the file to create or update your Excel organisation.