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Managing your Labour Charges
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

Labour Charges represent either a time asset (Workers hourly charge) or a fee that you are passing onto a client, this could be a call out fee or quoted price. Specific Labour Rates can be assigned to 1 or many Staff members, and these rates will then show as options for those staff to use when adding labour charges to a job.

Creating Labour Charges

To add Labour Rates, go to Settings > Charges. Click Add Charge to add a new Charge record.

A Labour Charge consists of the following:

  • Charge Name: Add a short version of the Charge Name here, or a code if more suitable. An example could be 'Plumber: After-Hours 1', or you could use an original code like 'PLM:AH1'. The Charge Name should be kept as clear and short as is sensible, as it will facilitate quicker identification when viewing the rates on our app.

  • Charge Description: This field, located directly below the name field, can contain a longer version of the Charge name, or include extra details as required. It will also show when being selected on a mobile device, primarily as support text to clarify the Charge purpose. But as a default this text will also show on quotes so should be fully considered when writing. Following the above example, this text could be 'Plumber: Standard after-hours evenings (6-11pm) and weekends rate. Callout charge not included'.

  • Tax Rate: Also called COA (Chart of Accounts) or Charge Code, this field is non-editable directly. But it will look up a drop-down list of Charge Codes you have set up in the Tax Rates section of your Company Accounts settings. See our article Setting Up Your Account - Manage Tax Rates for more information.

  • Charge Rate: The value of the Charge, as either a 'static' (single), or a 'flexible' (per hour/day) charge. See below for more details on static and flexible charges

    Note: We recommend adding Labour charges at a per hour rate (rather than per day, per job). This enables you to reuse that charge rate for different jobs that

  • Cost: This is where you add the respective cost related to your Charge. The cost added here forms an integral part of Geo Op's Job profitability reporting, which enables you to report on cost vs. sale prices for your company

  • Associate Charge To: Here you can assign the Charge to be available for selection to any Workgroups or individual Staff members as required. Additionally you can associate a Charge to a particular Client or group of Clients. This scenario could be useful when you have a particular Client that has special discount rates for all work done.

You can choose the charge rate when adding labour to a job.

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