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Advanced Account Settings
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

GeoOp has a wide range of additional features that you can use to customise your account and experience. To find these extra features you can go to the Settings Cog in the navigation bar and click on 'extra features' in the menu.

Enable Quote Parts & Labour

When adding parts and labour to a Job this gives the option of selecting whether the item is for a quote or is actual item. You can use this feature to create quotes and also invoices from any combination of quoted or actual items.

When generating a quote template, only parts and labour that are marked as quotes will appear on the PDF.

Default Charges as Actuals

If this setting is enabled, all labour or parts will be added to Jobs as actuals by default. You can still switch them to quote during creation or afterwards if needed.

Allow Separate Billing Client

Turning on this feature will enable an additional field on all clients to attach a separate billing client. This will let you attach a different client to the original client whose details can then be used for billing purposes. This setting works well for any company that does work for strata for example.

Enable Email & SMS Signature

This setting allows you to determine the default signature that will appended to any SMS or Email that you generate out of GeoOp. This will save you from having to type it out each time.

Enable Templates and Recurrence

Enables Jobs to be copied and set as templates, and Job recurrences to be automatically created. You can read more about Job Templates and recurrences in this article:

Recurrence Limit (Days)

Defines how far in advance should GeoOp create recurring Jobs. For example if you have set up a Job Template with recurrence of Weekly on a Monday, this setting would determine how many days in advance those jobs would generate. If you wanted to have the next 4 Mondays worth of Jobs at any one time you could set this at 30 days.

If you are a company with a lot of recurring jobs (e.g. daily for many clients) you may want to lower this setting, so that you dont have a lot of Jobs showing at any one time.

Dropdown Menu on Job Title

When you are creating a new Job and entering a Job title, this setting will enable a drop down list of all your previously used job titles. This is useful when consistent Job Titles are required.

Reference Increment

This setting allows you to choose a custom prefix and initial incrementing number for Job References. This means if when you join GeoOp you already have reference numbers that you use, you can set GeoOp to start exactly where you left off.

Allow Job Share

Clients receive an email link when a Job is added into GeoOp. This link allows the Client to view some job details on the Job Share page. Job Share and Job Share Plus can be enabled on a per Client basis on the Edit Client screen. You can read more about Job Share and Job Share plus here:

Enable Job Share for new clients

Sets default value for Job Share for new clients Ticking this would enable Job Share for newly add clients as default.

Push Notification

Enables the Push Notification that will be sent to the staff before the prior booking starts. Once you turn this feature on you will be prompted to select the push notification time. For example this could be set to 15 minutes, and all your staff would be sent a push notification 15 minutes before each of their bookings.

Time and Date Options

Here you will be able to set various time and date options in relation to your Jobs. Here you can set the following options:

  • Default Job Booking Start time: When you create a new job, this is the default date and time that will be added to the job. This can still be manually modified

  • Job Date Entry: When setting the date/time of a job, you can elect to either have a start and finish time or you can have a start time and duration. This can save time because you don't have to enter a specific end time. It also reduces room for error, where you could accidently put the wrong end time.

  • Default Booking Duration: You can choose the default duration of your bookings, that way once you enter a start time it would automatically select an end time for you. You can still manually set a different end time if needed. This setting can save time if you frequently have jobs that have the same duration

  • Date Format: Set the preferred format for displaying dates in GeoOp

  • Time Format: Set the preferred format for displaying time in GeoOp

  • Time Field Increments: Set the preferred increment used in time field dropdowns.

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