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Creating and Managing Invoices (Integrated)
Creating and Managing Invoices (Integrated)
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

This article contains everything you need to know about invoicing in GeoOp if you are integrated an accounting software from our list of integrations. If you are not integrated with an account software, you can read more about invoicing here.

This includes:

Setting up your account for Invoicing

1 Integration Set Up

We've listed all of the details for setting up your accounting integration in GeoOp in these articles:

Make sure you integration is set up correctly before continuing with this article.

2 Invoice Settings

Once you are integrated, you will need to check your integrated invoice settings. This will make sure that when are creating charges and invoices they have the correct rates and details on them. To get to your invoice settings go to the invoices icon in the navigation bar and then click on the three dots in the top right and select 'Settings', as shown below.

On this page you will find the following:

  • Xero Invoicing Settings

    • Set a default Invoice Due Date

    • Add additional information to invoices

      • Job Description

      • Job Address

      • Job Date

      • Job Title

      • Name/Code to Charge Description

      • Client Name

    • Use Automatic Xero Invoice Numbers

  • Default Tax Rates for Labour and Parts Charges & Payments

    • Setting a default tax rate to be added to your charges and parts can make it quicker when adding charges to jobs

    • You can still modify those on a charge by charge basis if needed

  • Default pricing as inclusive / exclusive tax

  • Xero Chart of Accounts

    • See a list of all your Xero imported tax rates and re-sync them with the 'Update' button if needed

  • Country Invoicing Options

    • Add your ABN / NZ GST Number or similar

3 Invoice Templates

When you are integrated with an accounting software, all invoices you trigger from GeoOp are generated within your accounting software and then returned to GeoOp as a downloadable PDF file. This means you will need to manage your invoice template within that software. You'll find details on how to do that within these articles:

4 Invoice Statuses

The last thing you'll need to manage your invoice flow is some custom Job statuses for invoicing. You can set these up by going to your Jobs list, clicking on the three dots in the top right and then selecting Settings as shown below.

Here you will see your list of Job Statuses. You can then add your additional job statuses for invoicing, for example: Ready for Invoicing, Invoiced, Invoiced Paid

We recommend adding all of your invoice statuses to the grey status category, as this represents Jobs that are completed.

Top Tip

  • Add as many statuses as you need for your own business

That's it, you're all set up to Invoice in GeoOp now! Learn more about how to Invoice on Jobs below.

How to Invoice a Job

We've outlined below the simple steps to Invoicing a Job in GeoOp.

  1. Navigate to the Job that you want invoice and ensure there are Billable Charges ready to be invoiced
    You can read more about creating jobs and adding Charges here.

    Tip: You can tell if a charge is Billable by checking under the 'Billables' column that the checkbox is marked with a tick.

  2. Click the Invoice Button to generate the Invoice Run
    You will see the choice of Draft or Approved when selecting the invoice button

    Draft - Draft Invoices will allow you to make edits to the Invoice within Xero
    Approved - Approved Invoices will not be editable within Xero

    Top Tip: If you want your Inventory to be correctly adjusted in Xero when you invoice a Part on a Job, then you must use the Approved button.

    The information is then to sent to Xero where the invoice is created. Xero will return to GeoOp a copy of the Invoice PDF.

    You'll then be taken to the invoice run page. On this page it is possible to download a PDF, CSV or Excel file of your invoice. You can also undo the invoice run if needed.

  3. Send the Invoice to your Client for Payment
    Once you've got your invoice PDF, you can send it to your client by clicking on the 'Send Message' button at the top of the Job. From here tick the checkbox of the Invoice PDF file/s you want to send. You can also include a message for your clients.

    To learn more about managing Payments in GeoOp, click here.

Top Tips:

  • It is possible to invoice a job more than once, if you add additional Charges after the first invoice, your next invoice run will contain the remaining Charges.

  • You can decide which Charges you want to include on an invoice by using the checkboxes on the right side of the Charges table. Select the Charges you want to invoice first, and then select the invoice button

Invoice numbering

For all accounting integrations, the GeoOp Job Reference will become the invoice number (unless . This Reference is auto-generated upon creation of a new Job (though editable after the Job is saved, if required). To enable you to create Job References as you wish, you can set your chosen increments within a defined structure.

Go to Settings > Company Account, then click the Extra Features side-tab.

Under 'Reference Increment', you can define values for both:

  • Prefix: This will be a fixed (text or numerical) reference, that if used will be separated by a / from the second part of your reference. If this field is left blank, no / will display.

  • Number: This will be your initial incrementing number. This must be a whole number (eg 123) and not a string (eg 000123).

Note: The number field is required, and cannot be left blank.

Managing your Invoices

Invoice Workflows

To view jobs that are ready to be invoiced and your invoice runs, click the invoice icon in the navigation bar as shown below.

Those invoice statuses that we set up earlier are the best way to manage where all your invoices are at. Find the coloured status filter and click it to see a breakdown of all the Jobs with Charges that fall within that status colour.

Bulk Invoicing

From the Invoices tab within the Invoices area of GeoOp, it is possible to Invoice your Charges in bulk. In this tab you will see a list of Jobs with billable Charges that have not yet been invoiced.

We recommend using the filters on this page to ensure you are only invoicing the Jobs that you intend to invoice. Highlighted below you will see filters for status, date, type of Charge, scheduled vs. unscheduled as well as other advanced search options.

For example, you may only want to bulk invoice Jobs that were

  • Within the last month

  • Have a grey status (completed)

  • Belong to a specific client

Once you have filtered this list to be only the jobs you want to invoice, you can then check through the charges and make sure they are already ready to be invoiced as well. If you'd like to remove a charge from the Job, you can do so by clicking the grey minus button next to the Charge.

In the example below, we can see we have added a 'Quoted' Charge (identifiable by the grey icon) as a Billable for this job. That's incorrect, so we can delete it by clicking the minus button.

If you have items that you don't want to remove, but aren't ready to be invoiced, we can use the checkbox functionality down the left side of the page to select which Charges should be invoiced for each job. Simply deselect the charge you don't want to invoice.

It is also possible to choose how you want to Bulk Invoice your jobs. You can choose to do that either by Job or by Client using the toggle shown below. You'll also see in this screenshot the option to mark the invoices as approved. If this box is left unchecked those invoices will be generated in Xero as a Draft.

Once you're ready, click the 'Create Run' to bulk invoice your Charges! This will set all of those Charges to Invoiced.

Top Tips:

  • Don't forget to change the status on the Jobs that you've invoiced so that everyone you are working with knows where that job is up to in the flow.

  • To read more about managing client payments for those invoices click here.

  • If you use bulk invoicing to generate your invoices, you'll see all of the Jobs and Charges from each Invoice Run you create within the one Invoice Run.

Invoice Runs

The Invoice Runs tab will show you a list of all of the invoice runs you have already created. You can get to your invoice runs by clicking on the invoices icon in the navigation bar, and then clicking on the invoice runs tab.

From here on the left hand side you will see a list of all your invoice runs, simply select any of those runs to see the details of it. When viewing the details of a run, it is also possible to download a CSV or Excel file. If you need to make some amendments to a run, you can undo in the invoice run my clicking the 'undo invoice run' button.

Top Tip:

  • If you use bulk invoicing to generate your invoices, you'll see all of the Jobs and Charges from each Invoice Run you create within the one Invoice Run.

Undoing an Invoice

Once a Charge has been invoiced on a job, it cannot be changed without undoing the "invoice run".

To identify whether an item has been invoiced or not, simply view the final column "Invoiced" from within the Charges tab of any job. If the contents of the box contain the word "Yes" then this item has already been invoiced and the invoice run will need to be undone to edit the item.

To undo the invoice, simply click on the word "Yes", this will now take you to the invoice run page, then select "Undo Invoice Run". This will remove the invoice from your accounting software.

If you return to the Charges tab the Invoice column will now display the word "No", in which case you can freely make any changes to the item.

Top Tips:

  • At any point during the progress of a Job, you can view item information (Parts and Labour) on the Job record. Go to your Job list, click on the relevant Job line to view its details. Click the Parts & Labour tab. You can now view all items, what is due for invoice (represented by the editable tick boxes on the right of each item), profit/margin and quote/actual figures for the Job.

  • The profit margin is the gross profit margin. This is calculated as ((revenue - cost) / revenue) * 100.

  • Tick the "Include Unscheduled Jobs" to also show Jobs that have no Visits.

  • Data entered in the GeoOp order field will show up in Freshbooks or Xero as the invoice reference.

  • When sending an invoice run to Xero, the GeoOp Job Reference becomes the invoice number.

  • For Xero users, make sure you look at draft invoices in Xero as this is where GeoOp invoices will appear (unless you have ticked the 'Approve Invoices' box on your GeoOp Invoicing screen prior to sending them to Xero)

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