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Creating and Managing Jobs
Creating and Managing Jobs
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Written by Product Team
Updated over a week ago

All of your Jobs can be wholelistcally managed using the Schedule and Jobs List. For managing individual Jobs, all the information you need is here.

This article contains the following:

Creating Jobs

To create a new job in GeoOp you can head to the Jobs List and click 'New Job' in the top right corner. The minimum required fields for creating a new job are:

  • Job Title

  • Job Address

  • Client

Tip: You can also add a Job anywhere from your Schedule View, Job List section or Client records.

Required minimum fields to complete are highlighted red: Client, Job Location, and Job Title. A brief explanation of the rest of the fields is shown below:

Client: When you type in this field you can select from the list of existing Clients that you’ve set up, or you can type a new Client name, then when you save this job they will be added to your Client list, with the address that you add here. Alternatively, you can click the plus button to add a Client with full details at this point.

Bill To Other: This is commonly added directly to a Client on the create/edit Client page. This field is useful if you have work that you do for a Client, but different Client needs to be billed for the Job. This feature needs to be enabled in your Settings.

Job Location: If you type the Client’s address into the top Address field, GeoOp will look at official address info taken from Google Maps and try and find a match for you. Select the correct address from the drop down list - the rest of the details are populated for you and the map for the chosen address is shown.

Advanced User Tip: An extra feature to be aware of at this point is the pin on the map. Many addresses cover quite large sites. But with GeoOp you can move the pin to any specific point you want, which will, in turn, help your mobile staff find the exact spot they need to go to. We find this proves to be a great help to clients by reducing wasted time when staff gets lost on large sites.

Job Title: The title of the Job. Job titles can be selected from the drop down list in this field to make the process quicker. This feature needs to be enabled by going to Settings > Company Account > Extra Features, and ticking the Dropdown Menu on Job Title check box. This means Job Titles used in the last 2 months will be available to re-use. This can help with data consistency in the reports.

Description: You can add extra details for the Job, or more information about the location.

Job Reference: This is a field that can be used in 2 ways: You can firstly leave this field blank. If you do that, when you save the Job, GeoOp will then assign a unique numerical reference. Or you can type your own reference here instead. To set a custom Job Reference increment, go to Settings > Company Account > Extra Features > Reference Increment.

Order number: This is for a Client’s purchase order or reference, and if entered will show on quotes and invoices. This number can also run through to Xero (if integrated) as a reference.

Other options to complete our Job are the Priority field and the Status field that includes the Job Status options you may have tailored to your workflow in Company Settings. Typically this field would stay on the first option at this point.

If you don't want to schedule any time or Staff members for this Job, click the Leave as Unscheduled checkbox, and click Save, which will create an Unscheduled Job.

You can read more about Bookings on Jobs here.

Top Tips

Managing Jobs

The best place to read about managing your Jobs wholistically is in our Jobs List and Scheduling articles. Below we detail how to manage a job individually.

Modifying Job Information

To modify the main details of a Job, scroll down to the bottom of any Jobs 'Details' page and you'll see a grey 'Edit Job' button. This will enable you to edit things like the Job Title, Description, Priority, Address, Client etc.

As always any changes you make on the Job will be reflected in the App and vice versa.

Job Notes / Documents

Notes and Documents on a Job are a great way to keep all of your Job information in one place (in GeoOp that is!). You can find a Jobs Notes and Documents by going to the Notes & Documents tab on a Job.

We recommend using Notes to record relevant information and conversations about a job. You can also upload relevant files such as Photos of the job, Site Plans and the like and keep them here for easy staff access.

To delete a Note, Photo, or File attached to a Job, manoeuvre to the Notes & Files , and click the checkbox next the note and a menu will appear to delete it.

Generating Documents

Documents can be generated from the Document Templates you have set up for your account. To generate a document on a job, simply go to the 'Create Document' button shown below.

Once you generate a document you'll be able to see and download the pdf in the Notes and Documents tab. Clicking on the PDF icon will start your download.

Top Tips

  • When adding via any platform, the maximum file size allowed is 8mb

  • Major file types that are allowed for upload are: 3GP, CSV, DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPEG, JPG, M4A, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPG, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PNG, PPT, RTF, TAR, TXT, WAV, WMA, XLS, XLSX, XPS, ZIP

Job Charges

The fastest way to add Charges to a job is by first creating your default list of Charges to use. This will save you time from having to enter all the same information across multiple jobs. You can read more about that here: Creating and Managing Parts Charges and Creating and Managing Labour Charges.

If you'd like to read more about Quoting and Quoted vs. Actuals you can read this article.

To add a Charge to a job, simply go the Jobs Screen and select the 'Add to Job' button. From this list you can choose to either Add Labour or Add Part. From here you will see the following window:

On the right side you can select from your default list of parts, which will populate all the information on the left for you. You can also just add a one off part by filling in the form on the left.

You can go to the 'Charges' tab to then manage all of the Charges that have been added to the job. From here you can click on a charge to modify it.

Charges can also be added via Job Timer. Job Timers can be recorded using the App. To start the timer on a Job, simply click the + icon on your Charges list, then Job Timer. A new panel will show for you to start the timer. When done, tap the timer to stop it. Like any Charge, a Timer has to be associated with a Visit.

Deleting Charges or Parts is a similar process to deleting Jobs. Simply go into the Time & Parts tab in a Job, and select the items you wish to remove from the Job before moving your mouse over the 'Selected' option at the top and clicking 'Delete Selected'.

If you wish to remove a Charge from GeoOp completely, read our articles on Creating and Managing Parts Charges and Creating and Managing Labour Charges.

Job Forms

Forms / Checklists can be added to a Job for your staff to fill out once they get there (or a variety of other reasons!) You can read more about setting up Form Templates here. Once you have your templates set up, you can add those to job by going to the Jobs Screen, clicking 'Add to Job' and selecting 'Add Form'. You can then select which of your form templates you'd like to add.

You can then manage those forms by going to the 'Forms' tab on the job. You'll be able to see the status of the form, fill in the form, open it to view the responses or download it if needed.

Job Messaging

You can send a message about a specific Job by clicking on the 'Send Message' button at the top of any Jobs Screen. You opt to send either SMS, Email or Both. Once selected you will see all of the options for the message.

Firstly you'll be able to select who the message goes to, you will see options for Client SMS/Email, Billing Client (if available) SMS/Email and Staff (if allocated to bookings) SMS/Email. You can also elect custom email or sms numbers for the message.

On the right side you will be given options for the Notes, Documents and Forms that you may wish to attach to the job.

Construct your message and hit send! You can see the messaging history for the job under the 'Messages' tab.

Deleting Jobs

It is important to note that once a job is deleted we are not able to reliably recover the information lost, so take extra care when using the delete functionality.

You can only delete jobs via teh Jobs List using the bulk update functionality. To find this simply head to the Jobs List and select the checkbox in the left-most column of the job(s) you want to delete.

Once selected a drop down box will appear at the top of the jobs table, from her you can click the delete button. We will pop an additional modal to double check that you want to delete those job(s). Once you confirm those jobs will be removed from the jobs list. You will not be able to find them again anywhere in GeoOp (this is a hard delete).

If you want to delete all the jobs on a page, you can click the checkbox in the header of the column to bulk select all jobs.

If you want to delete all the jobs you have in the system, you can do so by going here and scrolling to the bottom of the page under "Delete All Jobs".

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