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How do I grade an exam or test?
How do I grade an exam or test?

exam grades

Updated over 6 months ago

By clicking SAVE GRADE for a student or GRADE TURNED IN EXAMS for a class, teachers:

  1. update the Analysis for the exam

  2. create the Follow-up for the exam

  3. create Corrections for the exam

To grade an individual exam:

Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.

Choose a class from the left column.

Choose Exams from the middle column.

Click on an exam name.

Click on a student's name.

Correct answers are given credit and show green on the teacher's screen.

Incorrect answers are marked by a red X.

Teachers may offer full, partial, or no credit for incorrect answers by clicking on the options at the bottom of the screen or by clicking F for full credit, P for partial credit, or N for no credit.

When a teacher has graded the exam, the teacher clicks SAVE GRADE.

A teacher may choose to save the grades for a class by clicking the GRADE TURNED IN EXAMS button.

Teachers may print a student's exam and with expected answers by clicking the print icon.

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