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How to create, monitor, and find the grades & analysis of exams. How to activate exam corrections and follow-up exams.

31 articles
How do I give an exam with different questions than the original exam?
I clicked SAVE GRADE on an exam by mistake. How can the student go back to the exam?
I clicked PAUSE EXAM. How can students continue at a later time?
How can I create an exam from an assignment?
How will I know that corrections are completed?
How can I use exams and follow-ups to provide a grade for my students?
How do I use the exam and follow-up scores?
How can I prevent student exams from locking?
How do students find their exam grades?
How do I take back an exam? How do I stop an exam that is in progress?
How do I create a test? How do I make an exam?
How do I monitor my students while taking an exam?
How do I create a diagnostic exam?
Why can't my student request a test or exam?
How do I print the results of an exam or the exam analysis?
How do I publish an exam again?
Why is my student's exam paused? How do allow a student to continue an exam?
What is a Follow-up Exam?
Exams 101: How do I create a test? How do I make an exam? What are exams? How do students request a test?
What is the difference between Auto Accept and Unlock on Exams?
What are Corrections for Exams?
How do I grade an exam or test?
How do I create a test from Spiral Review?
How do I print an Exam?
What is Exam Analysis? How do I view which students missed an exam item?
How do my students see the test or exam? What is publishing an exam?
How do I stop an exam in progress? How do I take back an exam when the class has ended?
How do Exam Corrections work?
Why can't my students see exam corrections?
Can I reset a test?
Why is the exam green on my student's menu?