Accuracy is the average percentage of time that your students answer correctly on the first attempt at a problem.
Accuracy is found on the Spiral Review report for a class and in Student Data for individual students.
To find class data
Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.
Choose a class from the left column.
Click on Spiral Review in the middle column.
Accuracy is available in the upper right corner of the report for all active skills.
To view the accuracy of each skill, click on the manage columns button, and add accuracy to the report.
The accuracy of the class is the average of the accuracy for each active skill.
The accuracy of a skill is the average of the accuracy for each student who has tried that skill at least once.
To view Accuracy for an individual student
Choose CLASSES from the blue ribbon.
Choose a class from the left column.
Choose Student Data from the middle column.
Choose a student from the report.
The first screen shows the student's overall accuracy.
Clicking a student's name will allow you to view an individual student's accuracy for each skill.