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Spiral Review
The power of GMM! Spiral Review is the cumulative practice mode in GMM. Class data is found in Spiral Review
20 articles
Using GMM for intervention or remediation groups
Could Get More Math be used as an exit ticket?
How do I modify Spiral Review for a student?
Spiral Review Starter Bundle
How could I copy the Spiral Review from one class to another? I've pruned the skills in one class, and I want to duplicate the Spiral Review to my other classes.
How can I remove skills from Spiral Review? I deleted the assignment; why is the skill still in my student's Spiral Review?
Where do I find my class' data?
How can I see which students have white, red, yellow, green, silver, or gold on a skill?
How can I view more data in the Spiral Review Report?
What are Proficient Students?
What is Points Distribution on the Spiral Review report?
What is Accuracy? Where do I find this measure for a class or a student?
What is Spiral Review? How do students find Spiral Review?
How to create a separate class to create a different Spiral Review for a student?
How can I add skills to Spiral Review?
How do I turn off assignments so students are always working in Spiral Review?
How can I delete multiple skills from Spiral Review at one time?
Spiral Review is included in each GMM assignment!
Why don't the points my students earned in the warm-up show in their assignment results?
How can I force my students to move to Spiral Review?