The Charity Registration Assistant is a browser extension designed to streamline and automate the process of filing charitable registrations across different state websites. This tool eliminates the manual effort of navigating complex forms and filing requirements, ensuring accuracy and saving time for users. By leveraging automation, the assistant guides users step-by-step through state-specific filing processes, reducing errors and enhancing compliance efficiency.
How to install Chrome Extension for Charity Registration Assistant
Click on Add to Chrome
Click on Add extension
Using the Charity Registration Assistant
In your Change dashboard, go to Clients β Tasks and click View state status for the specific state renewal you'd like to work on.
In the Task drawer, click on Go to e-form. This will redirect you to the online state registration website.
On the state registration page, click on the Change icon on the top right corner of the page to open Charity Registration Assistant extension.
To select the nonprofit you'll be filing the state registration for, click on Switch client.
Search the nonprofit by name and select from the drop-down list.
Once you've selected the nonprofit, click on Autofill all to populate information needed on each page of the registration.
You have to ability to revise some of the information shown on the Charity Registration Assistant:
By clicking on Edit, you will be redirected to the document on the Change Dashboard to make necessary changes.
Once you've made changes to the document (ie - annual questionnaire), go back to the Charity Registration Assistant and click on Refresh data to populate the updated information.