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Exporting order lists
Exporting order lists

You can export a list of how much to buy of all the ingredients in a desired recipe in meez.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Order list exports are available to:

  • Plans: Pro, Team and Scale

  • Team Members: All members

What is an Order List

You can export a list of how much to buy of all the ingredients in a desired recipe in meez. You can also export a list of ingredients from a whole menu / many recipes at once, and ingredients across multiple recipes will be added together automatically.

The Order List will provide you with:

  • List of all ingredients from the selected recipe(s)

  • Purchase Quantity of each ingredient

  • The Purchase Unit of Measure that you currently buy the ingredient

  • The Quantity and units needed to purchase

  • Item ID of each

  • Vendor name for every ingredient


Ingredient Name

Purchase Item Name

Purchase Quantity

Purchase UoM



Item ID




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Grade A BrLrg

Get Eggs Here!

How to export an order list:

  1. Go to the Recipe you'd like to export.

  2. Select the "More" button (three vertical dots at the top center of the screen)

  3. Select "Export"

  4. Choose "Order List" to download the list

Pro-tip: The most common way of using order lists is to create a recipe called "Order List" and add your recipes to that master "Order List" recipe as sub recipes. Below is an example of what that might look like.

Pro-tip: you can also export order list for recipe books by selecting "Export" -> "Order List" from the recipe book menu.‍‍

Watch out for missing yields or conversions!

  1. Make sure every recipe includes a Total Yield otherwise your export will not work properly

  2. If you want to export a quantity of a recipe as an "each" (like Batch, Order, Platter, etc), that "each" must be defined in the sub-recipe.

*** For example: You want to export 5 batches of your Herb Slaw. The recipe for Herb Slaw yields 4 cups. So you'll need to define how much '1 batch' equals in the UoM equivalency of your Herb Slaw recipe in order to successfully export your Order list. (see below)



To create your shopping list recipe, you'll likely be adding many recipes to it as 'sub-recipes'

In case you have never added a recipe to another recipe..... Here's how:

  • Simply type the quantity and name of the recipe in a new line, and select it from the drop down

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