Additional Key Mortgage Data Points
When it comes to managing mortgages, understanding key dates and timelines is crucial for both advisers and clients. This guide explains the critical mortgage data points, how they are tracked, and why they matter.
In this article you will learn:
Which key dates are being tracked?
Where you can find these dates within Trail?
How to use Trail to report on these dates to best service your clients?
Integration to the Mortgage Product Display
DATE DATA POINTS (Editable, shown in Further Details):
Interest Only Start Date & Interest Only End Date
Tracks when a client switches to interest-only mortgage repayments.
Editable and displayed only if the repayment status is "Interest Only."
Loan Settlement Date & Total Loan Lifetime End Date
Loan Fixed Term Start Date & Fixed Term End Date
TIME DATA POINTS (Non-editable, shown in Overview):
Remaining Interest Only Period
Remaining Fixed Loan Term Period
Remaining Total Loan Lifetime
These are automatically calculated based on the provided dates.
Displayed only if corresponding date data points are entered.
Advanced Filtering Capabilities
These mortgage data points are now included in the Trail Advanced Filter, allowing advisers to segment and track clients more efficiently.
This update makes it easier to identify clients nearing key repayment milestones.
On Contact Tab
Make sure you are on Profile list and then click Advance Filter
Then you can now filter the Profile with the Home Loan for clients nearing key repayment milestones.
Improvements to Trail PDF's and Lender Calculators
Updates to Servicing Calculators
Trail will now be able to include the new dates and fixed/interest-only periods into Lender UMI Calculators where required 👍 assisting in automating the completion of these calculators.
Some of the PDFs in Trail will also be updated to include these new fields. These include:
Mortgage Fact Find
Insurance Fact Find
Mortgage Application
Lending Summary
Statement of Position