The Trail Client Portal is a place where your clients can go to provide information for you to complete their advice process. It is linked to your business in Trail; displaying your business branding and colours.
Any information the client fills in their Fact Find is able to be viewed and edited on the adviser-side because it instantly updates to your client's Profile in Trail.
This streamlines your advice & application process, saving you time as it allows your client to enter information digitally, ruling out any paperwork needed.π
In this article you will learn:
What key tasks your client can complete in the Client Portal
Overview of pages in the Client Portal:
Calculators & Bank Rates
Change Details
What key tasks can my clients do?
Complete/ update a Fact Find (Mortgage, Insurance etc.)
Complete an Insurance Needs Analysis
Complete quickforms for advice servicing (e.g. refix/ insurance reviews)
Upload documents (particularly useful for mortgage advice)
Check the Calculator tools and Lender's market rates
Take a look at the further pages below to get a better idea of what these look like to the client.
1.) The Dashboard
This page is set up to make actioning anything application/ opportunity related, as easy as possible.
They can continue, review or begin Fact Finds for active applications from here:
They can also see if there is a Mortgage Recommendation (interactive page) ready for them to view:
The Dashboard is where your client ends up if they registered themselves. As for other ways of access, they could go to the Dashboard during or after they finish their Fact Find:
2.) Documents
The Documents page in the Client Portal allows clients to view what documents you require, upload the files in bulk, and match them to the corresponding category/ request.
It will look something like this, where the upload button is at the top (or they can click and drag to this area) - and the required documents are listed below:
When you client completes a Fact Find, they may be taken to this page immediately after finishing (for Mortgage-based Advice) which happens if you set up the Opportunity as a "Fact Find + Document Request".
This means that based on the information in their Fact Find, Trail creates a list of documents that will be required by the lenders so the client will know exactly what they need to upload.
Even if you have setup their Opportunity as a "Fact Find Only", your client can still navigate to the Documents page if they choose to. At any time, you can request more/ incomplete documents from your client by emailing them the link as per below:
You are the only one who can remove Documents your client uploads, by going to the Documents page in their Profile and into the Uploaded Files area. The bin button is on the top right, once you select the file to delete.
Clients will also be able to see the document's status:
Required - The document still need to be uploaded
Pending - The documents are waiting for a review from the adviser
Complete - The document has been approved by the adviser to be sufficient
Incomplete - The document is the incorrect one or not acceptable for the application - the adviser needs more information and can give comments as to why the document is incomplete.
3.) Calculators & Interest Rates
Clients have access to a number of Calculators that they can use to check their financial position and help decide their goals:
Interest Rates
From the Client Portal, the client is able to view current market interest rates at any time. These are updated daily so you can be sure your clients are viewing the correct rates.
4.) Changing Details
Your client is able to change aspects of their personal details from their client portal.
To do this, they click their email in the top right corner and select Profile.
From here, they can edit their name and contact details, as well as change their password.
If they change something like their contact email or phone number, it will update to their Profile in Trail automatically aswell! π