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Managing a Profile's Contacts

Editing and managing the Contacts on a Client Profile

Chuck Slogrove avatar
Written by Chuck Slogrove
Updated over 3 years ago

Each client Profile will have at least one contact associated with it. You can see all the contacts associated with the current Profile in the Contacts box in the top left of a Profile, underneath the Profile name. 

The Key Contact of a Profile

From the Contacts box, you can choose the Key Contact for the Profile - this is represented by a yellow phone icon in a circle on the right side of the Contacts box. The Key Contact is the person that you will be in contact with the most from the Profile.

Editing Contact details

The 'Edit Details' section of the Contact box has many uses. This includes:

  • Changing your clients contact details

  • Changing the employment information of the Contact

  • Changing the relationship between the Contact and Profile, and the Contact with other Contacts

  • Changing login details

  • Merging the Contact with another

  • Removing the Contact from the Profile

What relationship does a Contact have to a Profile?

Profile specific relationships determine how a Contact is treated within a Profile from the perspective of the potential application. A Contact can be linked to multiple Profiles within Trail, and can have different relationships with each Profile it is featured within, depending Profile's type. This is another way that Trail allows you to store more relevant information on who is related to a Profile, even if they aren’t your client. These relationships are:


A participant is main reason the profile exists, and will most likely be the target of any application and will most likely become the applicants/insured people/borrowers. Participants are the only members of a Profile that can see the Profile when they log in to Trail. Please note that any Contact marked as a Participant of a Profile has the potential to log into the client portal and see all the information that has been entered into the application. This is one of the reasons that Trail allows separate Profiles for Contacts, to maintain the privacy of specific entities.


A dependent is the same as any other contact but if they are specified as a dependent in a specific Profile, very little information will be asked or needed of them.

A referrer is the person that referred you the members of the Profile. They can also be added to the Profile source.

Service Provider

For example, a real estate agent or independent person.


You are unsure of the relationship between the Contact and Profile.

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