The Opportunities associated with a Profile can be viewed in the Opportunities box. This is found on the left hand side of the screen underneath the Contacts box. For each Opportunity, you can see it's title, value, Pipeline Stage and activity status. You also have the ability to add an Opportunity here.
You may cycle through Open, Won, Lost, and Archived to see various opportunities throughout your organisation's history in Trail.
Clicking on an Opportunity's tile will open up the application overview sidebar on the right side of Trail. From here, you can view and edit a summary of the Application underpinning the Opportunity you selected. At the top of the sidebar, you can change which Stage of the Pipeline the Opportunity is in. Clicking the three dots at the bottom right of the sidebar allows you to complete, lose, duplicate or delete the Opportunity.
Another way to edit an application is through clicking the Applications tab on the header bar, and selecting which application you wish to edit.