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Using the Documents Page

How the Documents tab of a Profile works

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over a week ago

The Trail Documents Dashboard has been created to allow for ease of file submission from clients to advisers. The Client Portal allows clients to upload any documents, which can immediately be checked by the adviser πŸ‘

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to navigate the Documents tab

  • How to manage your client's uploaded documents

  • How to add requested documents

  • How to request documents from your client

The documents tab can be found in the header of a client's Profile.

This is split into Active Documents and Archive.

Under Active Documents:

  • Requested Documents

  • Uploaded Files

Under Archive:

  • Archived Files

  • Email Attachments

  • Note Attachments

  • Product Files

From the documents tab, you can also add required documents that are essential for a client's application and request documents from the client.

Required Documents

When entering the documents tab, you will be taken to the client's requested documents. This page is where you can categorise the documents that a client has uploaded to ensure they are sufficient for the bank. To learn more about reviewing documents for a mortgage application, read this article.

Adding required documents

At any time, you can add required documents from the Requested Documents section by clicking the Add Request button. This will open a pop up to be filled in. Once you have clicked Done, this will be added to the list of documents that are requested from the client. You can customise your document types in your document settings.

Requesting documents via Email

Once you have added and deleted any necessary documents, you can send clients an email showing the updated document list by clicking the blue email button on the right of the screen. This will open a pop up containing the email and if you have created your default email templates they will pull through here and you can make any additional changes before sending the email to your client.

Uploaded Files

The application files section shows a list of all the documents that have been uploaded by your client, including the requested documents of the application.

Renaming Documents

To rename a document, you can do this two different ways. On the list view, hover over the name and click - you'll then be able to edit the name of the document πŸ‘

If you are in the preview screen, you can do the same at the top.

Downloading Documents

To download a document, select it to preview and click on the cloud-like icon at the top right of the preview screen.

Deleting Documents

❗ Deleted documents cannot be recovered, please be wary when deleting data ❗

To delete a file, select it to preview and click the trash can at the top right of the preview screen.

After you've clicked that, a second warning will pop up as a second chance to hold off on deleting a document, as this process cannot be undone.

Archived Files

The Archived Files section are where documents go once an Opportunity has:

  • Been won or lost

  • Had a loan settle

This occurs because many documents - such as bank statements and payslips - need to be recent to be accepted by the bank, so once the application is completed, they will be archived and appear in the Inactive Documents section. However, if there is another Opportunity open that can use these documents, they will not be moved to inactive files.

If you have set up email integration then attachments on emails sent to a client will be automatically pulled through to Email Attachments where you can sort them appropriately.

The Note Attachments section is where any files will be placed that have been attached to note on the client's profile.

In Product Files, you can find any document that has been uploaded as a policy document to an insurance product.

Documents in these sections can easily be moved back to the active files for a Profile. Simply click the three dots that appear when hovering the mouse over the file, and then click Move to active.

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