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Adding an Existing Contact to a Profile

Making sure a Profile contains all the necessary Contacts

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over a week ago

Note: Before reading this article, ensure you know the relationship between Contacts and Profiles.

In this article you will learn:

  • How to add an existing contact into a profile

If you have an existing Contact in Trail and may need to add them into an existing Profile. Instead of creating a brand new Contact and adding in all their information again, it is simple to add the Contact to a separate Profile, so their information flows through onto both Profiles in the software.

Please follow the steps below on how to do this:

1. Go onto the Profile that needs the Contact to be added to it

(Find out how to reach an existing Profile here)

2. In the Contacts box, click 'Add Contact' 

3. Select to add an 'Existing Contact' 

4. Type in part of the name for the Contact, and click search

From here, select the correct Contact to add and click 'Next'. 

5. Select the Contact's relationship to the Profile

Once you have done this, click 'Next'. 

The Contact will now be a member of that Profile as well. 

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