Trail allows for you to be notified about a client's birthday in various ways - either on the day, a few days before, or two weeks before. However, you may want to retrieve a monthly list of birthdays so you can deal with them all at once. This can be done using the Excel spreadsheet produced by the Contact export. To do this:
1. Go into your Contacts tab
This is the icon on the left of the screen that looks like a person.Β
2. Click on the button with the cloud and arrow icon at the top of the screen, and select 'Export Contacts'
3. Open the Excel spreadsheet that has downloaded
You will probably find this in your downloads folder or on your desktop.Β
4. Right click column K and select 'Insert'
Repeat this three more times.Β
5. Click on J to select the whole column
6. Go into the 'Data' tab and select 'Text to columns'
7. Ensure 'Delimited' is selected, then click 'Next'
8. Select 'Space' and 'Other' as the delimiters
In 'Other', type a '/'.
9. Click 'Finish'
The date of birth will now be split across the different columns.
10. Select all the data
You can do this by clicking and holding your mouse over the 'A' column, and dragging across so all relevant letters are green.
11. Go into the 'Data' tab, and select 'Sort'
12. Select 'Sort by' and choose 'Column K'
Column K is the column that the months are in.
13. Find the month that you need
From here, you can look through column K to find the month of birthdays that you need. For example, if you were looking to find all birthdays coming up in April, you would look for a '4' in column K.
You'll notice in the same row that you can also find their email address and household address, as well as phone number, so you can get in touch with them.