Policy Importer Data Downloads

How to download insurance policy data to fit Trail's data format

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will learn:

  • Which Insurer Importers are currently built into Trail

  • How to download my data from each Insurer portal

Which Insurer Importers are currently built into Trail:

Currently, Trail's internal imports support the following providers:

  1. Partners Life

  2. Fidelity Life

  3. AIA/Sovereign

  4. NIB

  5. Asteron

  6. Resolution Life

How to download my data from each Insurer portal:

Partners Life -

  1. Navigate to Reports and select ‘CRM downloads’

  2. Select Download from the ‘Advisor Assistant’ download
    Your data should match this.

Other Notes for Partners Life: 

  1. All downloads are XML files, which our software is able to recognise for Partners Life. 

  2. You may or may not have access to this dependent on your setup with Partners Life. If you do not, contact them to request access or speak with your principal agency.

  3. The best outcome is for the data to be downloaded at the principal agency level, i.e. for the business as a whole rather than individual advisers, if this is not set up you will need to log in to each agency and download the file separately. 

Fidelity Life -

  1. Select ‘My Clients’

  2. Select ‘Advisors Assistant Download’
    Your data should match this.

Other Notes about Fidelity Life

  1. The best outcome is for the data to be downloaded at the principal agency level, i.e. for the business as a whole rather than individual advisers, if this is not set up you will need to log in to each agency and download the file separately. 

AIA/Sovereign -

Due to the AIA/Sovereign merger, there are multiple data sets, and ways to receive data. 

Method 1: Original AIA Policies

  1. Login to AIA Insight

  2. Select ‘My Business’, ‘Reports’, and ‘Client Listing’ from the dropdown menu

  3. Select the option for ‘All IFA Numbers’ linked to my login name

  4. Select Download
    Your data should match this.

AIA Method 1: Other Notes

  1. The best outcome is for the data to be downloaded at the principal agency level, i.e. for the business as a whole rather than individual advisers, if this is not set up you will need to log in to each agency and download the file separately. 

Method 2: New AIA Policies, and all Sovereign Policies

These policies are currently only available on request. Please contact your BDM with the following request: 

“Please can you send me a ‘Slogans policy extract’ in .xlsx format for my new AIA (those not available in AIA Insight) and all Sovereign policies?”

Your data should match this which you can send to your BDM as an example to ensure you get the data in the appropriate format.

NOTE: Please ensure that the Slogan Extract data is the first sheet in the excel spreadsheet file, followed by the criteria. If you have a 'Document Map', please delete it, as this is unnecessary for the importer, and can cause issues.

AIA/Sovereign V2

We've added this as an option that may work well with more recent updates to the way data is extracted from this platform. Please try this option if the other does not work for you before getting in touch with the support team 👍


  1. Log into Nib’s adviser login

  2. Select Adviser Documents

  3. Choose which agency you would like to download data for from the dropdown

  4. Select ‘Download’ the ‘Agent Policy List’ report, which is a CSV file.
    Your data should match this.

You will need to download a separate report for each agency you hold, which might mean re-logging in, or selecting another agency from the dropdown list in step 3.

You may not have access to the Adviser documents tab. If this is the case please get in touch with your BDM and request access to it.

Asteron -

If you have a master agency with Asteron, you will be able to produce a Client report from within BEN.

Step 1: Navigate to BEN (Business Enquiry Network)

Login to Asteron's Adviser Portal and navigate to BEN.

Step 2: From the 'Clients' tab produce a clients.csv report.

Please make sure your report includes the following fields at a minimum:

  • Client Number

  • Client Name

  • Birthdate

  • Telephone (H)

  • Telephone (M)

  • Telephone (B)

  • Client email address

  • Client Role

  • Policy Number

  • Product Type

  • Premium Basis

  • Policy Status

  • Commencement Date

  • Payment Frequency

  • Benefit

  • Sum Insured

  • Benefit Installment Premium

Ensure that the 'Main Insured' option under 'Client Roles' is unselected. This will allow the export to include all benefits of each policy.

Set the 'Layout' to download as a CSV.

Select 'Submit Request' from the bottom of the page to download the file. (this will not work if you press the button at the top of the page).

If you do not have a master agency with Asteron you may not be able to produce this report. If this is the case, please contact your BDM with the following request: 

“Please can you send me a ‘Client Listing Report’ in excel format for all my policies? Across all my business’ agencies”.

Your data should match this.

Resolution Life -

  1. Under Login Number select the applicable sales code (if more than one) from the drop down box and then View all Customers

  1. Click on the dropdown under Select policy start month and select All then click Download full customer list

Your data should match this.

Other Notes for Resolution Life:

It’s important to select ALL rather than a particular month otherwise you will have to ensure all fields are ticked under Add fields to the customer list for download before you download the customer list.

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