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Reviewing your clients completed Quickform
Reviewing your clients completed Quickform

Once a client has completed their Quickform, you will be notified and have the ability to review any changes made.

Chuck Slogrove avatar
Written by Chuck Slogrove
Updated over 8 months ago

Quickforms are a great way to find out any changes to your client's position since you last spoke to them and to follow up on their existing cover, discuss any changes that can impact their insurances and complete the review to make sure their cover is still relevant to their situation.

In this article you will learn:

  • Where to Find Your Servicing Opportunity

  • What Happens After Quickfrom is Completed

  • Reviewing your client's Quickform

Where to Find Your Servicing Opportunity

You'll find your client's open Insurnace Servicing Opportunity in the relevant pipeline:

You can jump to your Insurance Servicing Pipeline to view any open servicing Opportunities. You can also go to your client's Profile to find this in their open "Opportunities" box πŸ‘

Servicing opportunities can be created by automations, which are a Trail feature to make your life even easier. Click here to find out more about them.

What Happens After Quickfrom is Completed

You will be notified by Trail when a client has completed their online Quickform. The filled out Quickform will be a PDF attachment to the notification email you recieve:

Any changes the client has done through the Quickform will instantly be updated to their live Statement of Position.

Reviewing your client's Quickform

From here, you can discuss with the client how to move forward in their best interests; remember the Quickform is designed to begin that conversation with your client so whatever they have filled out is aimed to be an opener for that.

You may then proceed with e.g. discussing adjustments that may need to be made to their existing policies or researching better benefits with their insurer.

After you've had the chance to review your client's completed quickform, you can then move on to completing the servicing opportunity. πŸŽ‰

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