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Reviewing your clients completed Quickform
Reviewing your clients completed Quickform

Once a client has completed their Quickform, you will be notified and have the ability to review any changes made.

Chuck Slogrove avatar
Written by Chuck Slogrove
Updated over a week ago

Quickforms are a great way to find out any changes to your client's position since you last spoke to them. You'll find them in your servicing pipeline, and can be a huge benefit for client follow-ups.

Check out a quick guide on how to send Quickforms here. It's the same as sending out a Fact Find.

Servicing opportunities are handled by automations, making your life even easier. Click here to find out more about them.

You will be notified when a client has sent in their Quickform. Any changes the client has indicated will automatically be updated in their statement of position. You can find a full note of these changes in the profile of the client.

From here, you can discuss with the client how to move forward in their best interests, be it negotiating new rates with the bank, or researching better benefits with their insurer.

Once you expand the note, this is what it will look like (the Insurance Quickform is very similar):

After you've had the chance to review any changes made by the client, you can move on to completing the servicing opportunity.
Here's a guide for either type:

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