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Insurance Disclosure Process
Insurance Disclosure Process

How to manage your new disclosure requirements through Trail's Insurance Process

Nicholas Jennings avatar
Written by Nicholas Jennings
Updated over 7 months ago

How and when you need to disclose certain information to your client throughout your Insurance process is critical to your advice process.

Trail makes it easy by allowing both Stage 2: Nature and Scope of Advice and Stage 3: When the Advice is Given to be directly managed within the software. If you haven't set up your Disclosure Settings to have these disclosure templates edited, please click below to learn how to do this, before you get started here!

After you have done the above, read on in this article to find out where your Disclosure Templates appear and apply to your Insurance Process in Trail! πŸ˜„

In this article you will learn:

  • Insurance Settings

  • Insurance Nature and Scope of Advice Disclosure

  • Insurance Advice Disclosure

Insurance Settings


With the updates to how disclosure is given, you will notice your default Declaration has some changes. You can find this under your Insurance Settings if you have Business Admin Privileges.

We have removed 'How I am paid' as this is contained in both Disclosures, and cleared up the language in the 'I/ we acknowledge'. You can edit this statement to fit your business. This statement is shown to your clients at the end of their Insurance Fact Find.

Statement of Advice Template

The Statement of Advice Template has been updated to include the new 'Important Disclosures' page.

Insurance Nature and Scope of Advice Disclosure

Within the 'advice' section of an opportunity, you will notice we have made some small changes to how this section is worded.

Once you have confirmed the 'Nature and Scope' of the opportunity you will be able to download the 'Nature and Scope of Advice' PDF. This PDF outlines your identifying information, The Nature and Scope of Advice for this opportunity, and 'Important Disclosures' which are now required to be shared. These Important Disclosures can only be edited from the Disclosure Settings.

Insurance Advice Disclosure

Once you have run through your client's Fact Find and Needs Analysis, you will have selected either to input your own recommendations or to calculate based on your settings. Once all this information has been confirmed, you can generate your Statement of Advice like usual.

Input my own Recommendations:

Using this option, when generating your Statement of Advice you will notice there is space for you to add your own cover recommendations.

Calculate cover from my settings:

Using calculate cover, you will produce a Statement of Advice with cover calculated based on the client's Fact Find and Needs Analysis.

Statement of Advice:

When viewing your Statement of Advice it is essential for you to run through the document and double-check the information presented. This also gives you the ability to edit your Stage 3 Disclosure statements to be specific to the opportunity.

The statements you have set up in your Disclosure Settings will populate the 'Important Disclosures' Section of the Statement of Advice. Here you will update the specifics of the opportunity like the Insurance Provider and your commission details.

Once you have confirmed the Statement of Advice, you can either download the PDF or email the PDF to your client for their confirmation.

Questions about the new Insurance Process?

Please get in touch with us at, or using the chat button in the bottom right of the screen.

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