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Comprehensive Data Export

Learn about what information is available to you when you receive a comprehensive data export from Trail

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over a year ago

A Comprehensive data export from Trail will contain all of your clients' information πŸ‘ However, it is important to understand what pieces of information is available to you and what the cost will be; these are outlined below!


Any Comprehensive data export (whether for a single adviser leaving, or a whole organisation) comes at a cost of $500+GST.


Please allow 2-4 weeks for the data extraction.

We will need to be advised on your "Last Use Date" as the ideal date to do the export, so all data up to that point will be included; all new data added after that date will not be.


Your data export file will be contained in two parts - each will have its own corresponding link for you to download.

PART 1 - All of the listed data sheets below in .XSLX format

PART 2 - All uploaded documents

Data Included in Part 1

While we send data in this same format to all users, you may receive empty sheets if the information is not pertinent to you. For example, the Policy Exports may be blank if you are a mortgage only adviser.

Activity Export - This will contain all activities ever created for your user(s) data.

Asset Export - This will contain all client assets in your book.

BusinessProfile Export - This contains the business data tied to each entity/contact.

C2C Relationship Export - This sheet contains the relationships between Entities to other Entities

C2P Relationship Export - This sheet contains the relationships between Entities to other Profiles.

Employment Export - This will contain all of your clients' employment history in your book

Entity Export - This will be a list of all people, companies, and trusts in your book.

Expense Export - This list will contain all clients and their expenses in your book.

Files Export - This will contain a list of all document uploaded to Trail. Note that the actual files will be in PART 2 of your export

Fund Export - This sheet contains fund data related to the clients' investments

Income Export - This will contain a list of all clients' incomes in your book.

Investment Export - This will contain a list of all clients' investments in your book.

Liability Export - This will contain a list of all clients' liabilities in your book.

Loan Export - This will contain a list of all clients' loans your book.

Note Export - This contains all notes on each of your clients' profiles.

Opportunity Export - This sheet contains a list of all opportunities for each of the client profiles, including all statuses of opportunities (won / lost / archived / open).

PersonalProfile Export - This contains a list of personal data tied to each entity/contact..

Policy Export - This will contain all insurance policy data in your book.

PolicyCoverItem Export - This is the list of insurance policy cover items related to each policy.

Profile Export - This will be a list of all profiles in your book.

Property Export - This will contain a list of all your clients' properties in your book.

Rent Export - This will contain a list of all rent finances in your book.

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