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Preparing the UMI Servicing Calculator
Angel Chessum avatar
Written by Angel Chessum
Updated over a year ago

Trail assists you with prefilling the UMI Servicing Calculator you send to lenders with your client's mortgage application!

Learn about how this feature works as we delve inside a Mortgage Advice Opportunity to take a closer look at the steps leading up to completing and sending off a Mortgage Application from Trail!

In this article you will learn:

  • Which Lenders' Servicing Calculators are available?

  • What information does Trail prefill & where does this come from?

  • How to use the UMI Servicing Calculator for Mortgage Applications?
    Checking & Editing
    Uploading for Sending to Lender

  • How do I download multiple calculators to check how the client's situation fares for different lenders?

Which Lenders' Servicing Calculators are available?

Trail has the following servicing calculators available that we regularly upkeep and get the latest updates direct from lenders:

  • ANZ

  • ASB

  • Bluestone

  • BNZ

  • Cooperative Bank

  • Kiwibank

  • Kiwibank - Kainga Ora

  • Pepper Money

  • Resimac

  • SBS

  • Sovereign

  • TSB

  • Westpac

What information does Trail prefill & where does this come from?

Trail pulls in the information from your client's Fact Find and the Funding Details you have inputted into the Mortgage Advice Opportunity, and puts it in the best matching field inside the servicing calculator.

Basically these sections:

Therefore, make sure these sections are filled out correctly and as accurately as possible BEFORE you download the relevant lender's UMI servicing calculator from Trail.

Fields in the UMI Servicing Calculator

For every lender's servicing calculator spreadsheet, there are LOCKED fields within it that Trail cannot change or prefill with anything.

Trail only prefills information into the fields of the UMI calculator spreadsheet that CAN be changed/ altered.

Using the UMI servicing calculator downloaded from Trail for Mortgage Applications

First, make sure you have completed and checked off the Fact Find and Funding Details for your client.

Next there are 2 ways to go about downloading the UMI Servicing Calculator outlined below.

1. At the Bottom of the Funding Details page.

When: Can be done as soon as the Fact Find and Funding Detail pages are completed.

You will find whichever lender you selected for the "Target Bank for Application" is the one that already shows up as selected. Click "Download Calculators" to download that lender's servicing calculator:

2. Along with "Download to Submit Application"

When: Usually this is done when you've completed everything above, plus your Diary Notes + selected the relevant Supporting Documents. You are ready for submitting an application.

Trail will always include a prefilled UMI servicing calculator as part of the folder downloaded to your computer when you click "Download to Submit Application":

Checking & Editing the Downloaded Calculator

Trail will prefill your client's information, as mentioned.

However, you need to CHECK the information is correctly showing up. If anything is not showing up correctly you can either edit the corresponding information in Trail and download it again - or you can just edit over that copy of the calculator and save it.

Ensure you EDIT/ ADD further details about your client or the new proposed as required by the lender, or for the servicing calculator to be fully completed.

Check the surplus figure in the excel calculator against the servicing figure at the bottom of the Funding Details page. It’s unlikely they will be exactly the same, but they should be within $1,000/month of each other.

Uploading for Sending Application to lender

When sending an application to the lender you will need to attach the checked and EDITED copy of the UMI Servicing calculator that you downloaded from Trail:

Important Note

As Trail always includes a copy of the UMI calculator upon clicking "Download to Submit Application", therefore you may not need to use this one if you already downloaded and edited a copy prior to clicking this.

Attach the most updated/ edited copy of the servicing calculator as part of your submission to the lender.

How do I download multiple calculators to check how the client's situation fares for different lenders?

You can do this by downloading the servicing calculator at the bottom of the Funding Details page. Notice how the drop-down is as multi-select; it allows you to select as many lenders' servicing calculators as you want!

Once you have selected all the lenders that you want to download a servicing calculator for (with client's prefilled info) then click out of the dropdown box and then "Download Calculators":

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