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How to View & Recommend KiwiSaver Funds
How to View & Recommend KiwiSaver Funds

Learn about how to effectively use your KiwiSaver comparison tools to find the best match for your client.

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over 10 months ago

All of the information available within the Trail KiwiSaver application is gathered daily from an API connection with the NZ Government's Disclose Register. This register is updated frequently as products change over time.

Trail aims to display this information in a way that's easy to read at a glance and then determine the best funds for your clients πŸ‘

In this article you will learn:

  • How to View all of the KiwiSaver Funds available

  • How to Compare KiwiSaver Funds

  • How to Recommend a Fund for your Client

Viewing KiwiSaver Funds

To view all funds available, scroll to the Recommendation for (Your Client's Name) in the Advice section of your application. The very top of this list will always be any funds that your client currently belongs to, followed by any new funds you are recommending.

Clicking the little arrow on the left edge of each fund will expand its information panel. Here you can sort by About (general information), Returns, Fees, Risks, Investments, and Key Documents:

Removing Providers

You may customise your Trail KiwiSaver Recommendation Tool to no longer displays providers you aren't working with. To do this, go to your KiwiSaver Settings and click Provider Research here:

To remove a provider so that it doesn't appear within your Recommendation Tool, click on it on the left hand side, then click the right facing arrow to move it into the list of providers that you do not work with.

πŸš€ TRAIL PRO-TIP πŸš€ You easily view your client's Risk Profile
results along with any ethical concerns they may have
on the right side of the Recommendation area.Β 

Using this panel, you can compare how a fund lines up with the ethical concerns of your client.

  • If your client is highly against an investment area, it will appear in RED

  • If your client is happy to invest in an area, it will appear in GREEN

  • If they are neutral about an investment area, it will appear GREY

We have simplified the terminology used by Mindful Money when it comes to ethical concerns. This information is gathered on a daily basis, and that the definitions are as follows:

  • Weapons of War = Weapons

  • Social Harm = Social Harm

  • Animal Testing = Animal Cruelty

  • Environmental Harm = Fossil Fuels + Environment Harm

The Navigation Pane

At the top of the Recommendation is the Navigation Pane. Here, you may choose to filter your funds by certain criteria or type, as well as swap to the Comparison View.

Using the Navigation Pane, you may switch between different types of funds and sort them based on what is key to your client. For example, you may want to look at Growth Funds with the Highest Returns. To do this, you would select these options:

Trail will then display any current funds your client holds compared to the selected criteria, so you can easily see if a fund will be a better choice for your client πŸ˜„

Comparing KiwiSaver Funds

While it may be obvious at a glance which funds would be better for your client, it's much more effective to compare several at a deeper level so you can see the full effect of the potential change. To do this, select a few funds to compare using the Compare button here:

Of course, you may always click Remove if you change your mind.

You'll notice that the Comparison View button at the top highlights once one or more funds are selected to be compared. Click this button and you'll be taken to this view:

From here, you can see each chosen fund in a single list to help determine what will be the best choice for your client, and navigate through the same information provided in the expanded fund files. You may also mouse over any ethical concerns that the fund invests into to see what percentage of their shares are contributing toward that cause.

The Returns Graph

You can now view this information in a graph format. This allows you to evaluate how your client's current KiwiSaver (if they have one) lines up with the funds you have selected to be compared as well as the average across all KiwiSaver funds πŸ“ˆ

To do this, select the Returns Graph button here:

Next you'll be able to see the full view of your selected funds here:

πŸš€ TRAIL PRO-TIP πŸš€ Mousing-over a certain point in the graph will bring up the exact numbers at that point of time.

Recommending KiwiSaver Funds

After you have viewed all of the available information and made a decision on what fund you believe is best for your client, it's time to recommend one πŸš€

(or two! or three...)

To do this, click back either into the Fund View or Comparison View, and click the Recommend button here:

After clicking Recommend, this panel will pop up that summarises the fund information allows you to choose the percentage split of your client's KiwiSaver contributionsπŸ‘

If you decide to recommend your client split their contribution across more than one fund, you can do so by first recommending a single fund, then recommending another and so on. To proceed in the advice process the split must always total to 100% and you can only split funds between the same provider.

In this example, we have split this total fund across two Milford schemes - this allows your clients to keep their wealth in varying levels of growth.

After you have recommended a fund (or multiple funds) for your client, it's time to move into the Provider Research and Statement of Advice! Let's take a look at How to Complete your Provider Research for KiwiSaver Applications πŸŽ‰

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