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Dependent Cover in Trail
Angel Chessum avatar
Written by Angel Chessum
Updated over 5 months ago

You can now add dependent cover to your Insurance Advice Process with ease in Trail! πŸŽ‰ This new feature makes it easier than ever to compile a full recommendation to your clients βœ…

That means your clients can seamlessly include their dependants when completing the insurance Fact Find (as you can included this in your Nature & Scope), giving you the power to gather the needed information and recommend cover for the whole family in one go! 🀩

In this article, you will learn:

  • Dependent Cover in your Nature & Scope

  • How to include a Dependant in an Advice

  • Insurance Advice Opportunity for Dependants
    ​(where dependant cover appears throughout the opportunity!)

Dependent Cover in your Nature & Scope

As an insurance adviser, giving advice for dependants may or may not be part of your Scope. Trail lets you specify this within your Insurance Settings so that you can accurately reflect this and tweak how this works πŸŽ‰

How to do this

Go to your Settings - your Insurance Settings - and go to Nature & Scope of Advice

Select the Dependant tab -

And the checkboxes you see here are by default, all selected. Here is what they mean and what happens if you deselect them:

  • First Column: whether this dependant cover type is included in your Nature & Scope.
    If you deselect this, for NEW opportunities moving forward, there will be no way for your client to include Dependants as part of the advice.

  • Second Column: whether you can exclude this from the scope within the Opportunity.
    If you deselect this, for NEW insurance opportunities moving forward, you cannot remove this type of dependant cover from it.

  • Third Column: whether your client can exclude/ deselect this during a Fact Find.
    If you deselect this, for NEW opportunities moving forward, your client will not be able to deselect this (and therefore must have) this type of dependant cover.

How to include a Dependant in an Advice

When you in the People page of an insurance Fact Find - you will need to select the dependant to add under the Dependants section:

And within the details for the dependant, you will need to turn ON this toggle below for them to be included in the advice: (it will be enabled by default when clients are adding in their dependants from the Fact Find)

Once you've done this, then the follow sections covered below will be visible and editable within the Insurance Advice Opportunity.

Insurance Advice Opportunity for Dependants

Medical Questionnaire

If you include Dependants within your advice, you will see the medical details section appear for them. You can then click into the tabs for each of the dependants and fill out the information.

Please note medical information for dependants are all optional, so you can put in as much or as little as you need to: (these details are also all optional fields in the Fact Find too)

Specifying Needs Analysis

Dependants may receive advice regarding Trauma or Health cover - these are the only areas where you can find the Dependent tab next to the Adult tab at the top of the page and switch between the two πŸ‘

You can then select the areas of cover that your client would need for their dependants.

Editing Recommended Cover

Once you generate the Trail recommended cover table, then you will see adjacent to the 'Adult' tab, there is a 'Dependant' tab to navigate to πŸ‘

If you choose 'input my own recommendations', then in the SOA, you will still see the dependants names being added to the relevant tables.

You may use either Refine Cover (as adviser side) or Enter Portal (for a client interaction to note variations) to edit the cover amounts, details and make Client Variations - all the same as how it would function for the adults.

The only difference here would be that Trail does not have any default calculations for the cover options you chose earlier in the Needs Analysis; we let you enter the specific amounts or you can opt to just enter a lump sum in the Emergency Fund section. πŸ˜„

Editing the SOA

With SOA Templating, you can switch on/ off whether to include the Dependant cover sections. This can be done by the toggles in the relevant editable parts of the template (e.g. Recommended Cover Summary or Breakdown)πŸ‘

Within the SOA Editor, the Dependant cover information will be shown along with the adult's information. They should have their own tables and reflect the Needs Analysis/ Recommended Cover information you've filled out earlier.

Winning the Opportunity

Once your client's policy is in place, and everything is finalized, you can win the Insurance Advice Opportunity as you usually would! πŸŽ‰ Any dependant cover information you've specified in the finalized policy details, will also be part of the new Policy product in place:

And this policy will be updated to your client's profile (under the Products box) πŸ‘

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