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Mobile Experience of Trail

Get to know how to use Trail on your phone when you're out and about!

Angel Chessum avatar
Written by Angel Chessum
Updated over 3 months ago

As an adviser, there are times when you're on the go and away from the office; whether it is a first meeting with a client, or attending a meeting or another seminar - or just your regular coffee run πŸƒ - You just want to have access to your client data in Trail when you're out and about!

Now you can - we've updated the mobile experience of Trail to include much more of your client data and ability to make notes, activities and changes - all from your phone!

What can I do on mobile view of Trail?

Experience the efficiency of tapping into your client information when you're on the go!

There will be even less double-handling of information after a client meeting when you can type quick notes and set reminders for yourself about your client, all from your mobile!

With the mobile experience of Trail you can:

  • Quickly find your client's contact information πŸ‘€

  • Easily view, add and edit Activities for your clients βœ”οΈ

  • Adding in quick Notes for your clients has never been easier! πŸ—’οΈ

Logging into Trail on Mobile

To login, you can access Trail on any browser you have on your device (e.g. Chrome/ Safari), using your organisation's login link:


As per usual, you should fill in your email and your password here πŸ‘

Navigation on Mobile

First let's cover navigating the pages on Trail mobile view, from the main menu.

Whichever page you are on, you should be able to see the 3 dash Menu on the top right:

This will allow you to navigate to the other pages (Activities or Contacts) and also to Log Out:

How to use the Activities page

When you first log into Trail on mobile, you should be taken to your Activities page.

Checking on what action points you have for the day has never been easier; now you can organize all of these on the go and quickly from your mobile phone! πŸŽ‰

Here, you can toggle by the activity assignee and also view Activities that are:

  • Overdue

  • Due Today

  • Planned (upcoming)

  • Completed

You can also add NEW activities from here, having all the fields as you would from creating a new activity on Trail desktop:

This makes it easier to collaborate with your team as well, and view all the same information about Activities as you would on desktop πŸŽ‰

How to navigate the Contacts page

Trail lets you see and toggle between your full list of Profiles and Contacts - or easily search for your client using the search bar at the top!

πŸ’‘ Tip:

When searching for your clients, remember that the 'House' icon represents a Profile and the 'People' icon represents an individual Contact:

You also have the option to "Add New" contact or profile.

From there, you can specify whether it is an existing or new profile/ contact:

How to navigate the Profiles view

When you navigate to a Profile view, you'll be able to switch between 3 pages within the client's profile, and edit the following:

  • Contacts

  • Activities

  • Notes

Using the 'Add New' button will allow you to add/edit these items:

πŸ’‘ This means you can quickly add a Note or a 'To-do' Activity about your client when you are viewing Trail by mobile during or after a client meeting when you're not at your desk!

And each of the tabs allows you to view/ edit:

  • All the contacts (and their contact information)

  • All activities (historic and future)

  • All the notes of the profile (historic and future)

Accessing your client Profile on mobile means you can document the next steps for your client and make important adjustments to their information, while you're away from the office!

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