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What are Giftbit Links?

How to order Giftbit links and use them as an alternative to email based rewards

Matthew avatar
Written by Matthew
Updated over a week ago

Giftbit Links (or gift links) are an alternative to email-based rewards.

Each Giftbit Link is a totally unique, one-of-a-kind web link that leads to a reward.

Giftbit Links are delivered to your inbox in a file. You can distribute them to your contacts using bulk email solutions, text messages, or printed cards.

How to Order Giftbit Links

  1. Go to Orders, then click New Order.

  2. Click Choose Template and select a template from the drawer

    1. When setting up your template we recommend not using "Promotional Rewards" for links so the links do not expire.

  3. Choose Order Gift Links and input the number of links you need.

  4. Complete your order.

Once the order is processed, an email will be sent to your inbox with a CSV attachment containing the links. From there, you can upload them into your own system for sending, turn them into QR codes you can hand out or start sending them out manually!

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