Activating DAFpay on your Springboard donation forms involves two key actions:
Registering for your account with Chariot
Adding a new gateway on your Springboard admin account
Part 1: Registering for your account with Chariot
Visit our step-by-step guide on how to register your account with Chariot for more information.
Part 2: Adding a new gateway in your Springboard portal
Step 1: Login to your Springboard account. On the left-hand sidebar under "Fundraising", click on "Donation Forms" and then go to the "Edit" tab.
Step 2: Scroll down, and under "Payment methods", ensure that "daf" is enabled by checking the "Enable" box. This will ensure that DAFpay is turned on within your donate forms.
Note: Once you've enabled "daf" under "Payment methods", it could take 1-2 hours to get your EIN authenticated.
Step 3: Head to your nonprofit's donation page (note: sample images below are from a test donation page). DAFpay will now appear on your payment screen alongside any other methods of payment you've previously enabled.
Once a donor has selected DAFpay as their payment method, they will go through an easy, three-click process to complete their gift submission.
Note: Currency must be in USD in order for DAFpay to appear as a payment option. The DAFpay bar will not display for any other currency.
The ideal way to present the DAFpay payment option is to feature it as a distinct, standalone choice among the payment types / methods. Here's an example:
Note: Each DAFpay gift integrated with Springboard will come with a 3.9% processing fee.
Managing donations in your Chariot portal
When your organization receives a donation via DAFpay, you will receive an email notification from Springboard. Visit our step-by-step guide on managing DAF gifts in your chariot portal for more information.
Springboard and your CRM
Springboard enables seamless data mapping with CRMs. Watch this demo video to learn more.