If you're looking to raise funds for your organization, please follow the below steps on the basics of creating a donation form.
1. Within the Campaign Overview tab of the campaign you are creating a new donation form for, the left-hand side holds a menu that allows you to create new campaigns, new forms, and new reports. To create a new donation form, click "New Donation Form":
2. You'll need to add in the initial information first: Default Label and Unique ID. The Default Label is the public-facing name for the form. The Unique ID is the platform identifier for the form and is used in embeddable snippet codes; it needs to be unique and cannot contain any special characters or spaces. Once you have those two pieces of information filled out, you can click "Save":
3. Once you click "Save," you will be brought to the Quick Config tab for the form. This tab allows you to make minor changes to the form by clicking the sections within the "Form Layout" section. However, our best practice recommendation is working tab-by-tab to get the most out of our form features. You also have the ability to preview the form at any time, and get the embeddable snippet code on the upper-right hand side:
5. The first tab you want to edit is Form Details. This area will allow you to add a unique header for the form, add any reporting codes that your team needs to keep track of, and also adjust the form's availability:
6. The next tab to edit is Donation Levels. Here you can edit how the levels are presented, the suggested donation levels, whether or not you want to allow "other" donation options than those presented in your list, and enable Installments and Ongoing payments:
7. The next tab is Form Questions. Here is where you can add any question you would like the donors to answer on the form by clicking either "Add Global" or "Add Local." There are two main sections for questions: Your Information and Additional Questions. Your Information is typically the contact details of the donor, and Additional Questions are for questions that do not relate to contact details like In Honor of/In Memory of, Favorite Color, etc.:
You can also edit the labels of "Your Information," "Additional Questions," and "Payment Details," to fit your organizations needs:
8. The next tab is Confirmation Messages. Here you can edit the messaging that goes out to your donors once they've submitted their donation. The two important sections here are: On Screen Messages and Confirmation Email. The On Screen Message is the message that appears immediately on the screen after a donor hits "submit." The Confirmation Email is the email that is sent to the donor's inbox after submitting their donation, so it is a nice touch to have a thank you message from your team:
9. The final tab is Form Display. Here you can edit how the form looks and flows for the donors, add in a custom stylesheet for the form, and edit the security and footer message:
The above steps are the basics on how to create a new donation form. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to our team at enterprise-support@givegab.com.ย