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Enabling the Multi-Give Feature on a Form

How to enable Multi-Give for your forms

Ashleigh Alldredge avatar
Written by Ashleigh Alldredge
Updated over a week ago

Before getting started, it is important to note that this is an advanced feature of the platform. In order to fully deploy the feature, training with GiveGab staff is required in order to best customize this tool to fit your team's needs.

Please contact our support team at to schedule Multi-Give training.

How to enable Multi-Give on a Form

After uploading your Donation Categories, you will need enable the feature on your form. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Within the Campaign that you uploaded your Donation Categories in, select the Form List tab:

2. From your Form List, select the donation form that you would like to enable Multi-Give on:

3. That will bring you to the Overview tab for the form, click the Donation Levels tab:

4. Click the "Edit" button for the top Donation Question section:

5. Next to "Multigive Enabled" select "Yes":

6. With this feature enabled, you can still update the Label from "Donation" to anything you'd like. You also have the ability to update the Question Format by clicking the corresponding dropdown menu:

7. You can choose to present your Donation Categories as a "Field", which is our Type Ahead feature that allows donors to type the name of the fund in the box; OR you can present them in a "Dropdown." Select your option and click "Save":

You have now enabled Multi-Give for your donation form!


One thing you will notice is the Suggested Donation Levels section is removed when Multi-Give is enabled, so donors are able to specify the donation amount they want to give to different funds:

You can still set up a minimum donation amount on your Multi-Give form! Within the same Donation Levels tab, click "Edit" next to the Donor Specified Amount section:

 In the Minimum amount box, enter in the minimum amount and click "Save":

Now on your form, the minimum amount will be presented on the form:


If you have any questions about enabling Multi-Give on your forms, please reach out to our team at

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